Chapter 56

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Chester's POV
I took the pills everyday like I was supposed to from then on. I genuinely started to feel better and happier. Mine and Mike's relationship started to feel stronger over the months and we seemed to fall more and more in love with each other everyday.

We had just passed our one year anniversary as well. We just stayed in and had a beautiful night together. Those were my favorite nights with Mike. Going out to eat and going out to do different things was great, but nothing compared to staying in with him.

As all of that was going on, Ryan, Amir and I had been finishing up our album. Mike had been helping us record and mix songs and everything was going great. We were all ready to finally let people hear our stuff. I think Mike was more excited than I was honestly.

"Okay boys. You have basically an albums worth of songs here, and now we need to figure out which one will be your first single. My personal favorites are Let Down and Crawl Back In, but obviously it's your guy's choice." Mike said one day when we were all in his studio. We all nodded and looked at eachother.

"Okay cool. What happens after we put a single out?" Ryan asked. "If it does well then hopefully labels will hit you up and you'll get signed. I mean, you could always just let me produce your stuff, but it's better to get signed to an actual label because they know all the tips and tricks to the music biz." Mike said. "What if no one wants to sign us?" I asked. "I'm sure someone will. There are hundreds of record labels out there, and with a voice like yours, I don't think they could pass up the opportunity to put you on their label." Mike said. I blushed a little and nodded.

"Okay what's everyone's favorite song off this thing?" Mike asked. "I like Crawl Back In a lot." I said. "Yeah me too." Ryan said. "What about you, Amir?" Mike asked. "I think Crawl Back In would be a great song to put out first." He said. "Well that was easier than I thought it was going to be." Mike said as he turned around in his computer chair.

"Let me finish it up and we'll put it out." Mike said. We all nodded. Ryan and Amir left and I stayed with Mike.

"Thank you for helping me with my dream. This means a lot." I said. He turned around in his chair and smiled. "You don't need to thank me. I'm happy to do this, and can't wait until people hear your music. You truly have the most amazing voice, Chester, and I'm not just saying that because we're dating. I've never heard a voice like yours before." He said. I blushed a little and smiled.

Mike finished up the song and put it out on different platforms. He gave us a shout out on his social media, and we waited patiently to see people's responses to it.

After about an hour we looked at the comments and reviews on the song.

Can't wait to hear more of them!

Woah. Mike's boyfriend is actually really talented.

New favorite song!

We all smiled and looked at eachother as we read the comments. Most of them were nice. There were some rude comments, but I didn't worry too much about it.

Over the next months, we did a few interviews and shows which was nerve racking because I was doing them without Mike. I mean, he was there of course, but was watching from the side.

We eventually got a record deal with Mike's label. That was extremely exciting. We finally got a release date for our album and then we just waited for that day and waited for our tour we had planned to start.

My heart sank one evening when I looked at Mike's planner and saw that he had the first week of my tour booked with things. It hurt because he had told me so many times that he'd be there cheering me on and now he wasn't going to be.

"Um... Mike?" I asked kind of nervously as I walked into the living room after I had seen the calendar. "Hmm? Yeah. What's up, love?" He asked as he looked up from his phone and adjusted his glasses. I smiled at how adorable he looked with his glasses, but it faded once I remembered why I was in there. I took a seat beside him, pulled his planner out of my back pocket and sighed.

"I am starting my tour in the middle of September and you said you'd be there." I said. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah? I will be there. What about it?" He asked. "Well according to your planner... You're not gonna be there." I said. "Huh?" He asked. He took the planner out of my hands and flipped to September.

Sept. 19 - Mom's birthday
Sept. 20-23 - Jack and Jay's rehearsal and wedding
Sept. 25 - Meeting
Sept. 27 - Show in Sunset
Sept. 29 - Take Pepper to the vet for shots

Mike sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I'm really sorry, Ches... I-I didn't even realize..." I sighed. "It's fine, Mike... I was just really hoping you'd be there for the first shows of my first tour." I said. "I-I could tell my mom that I'll come a day earlier to see her on her birthday and I'll reschedule my meeting, cancel my show, and reschedule the vet visit." He said. "No, Mike. It's fine." I said. "Well I was really looking forward to your tour. I can't miss Jay's wedding obviously, but the other things I can miss." He said.

"You really don't need to. Also, I'm pretty sure Jay's wedding lands on one of our off days so I'll be able to go too. I'll just have to leave right after." I said. He nodded. "I'll be there for all of the other dates though. I promise." He said. I smiled and nodded.

"Come here." He said as he held out his arms for me. I scooted over to him and leaned up against his chest as he put his arms around me.

"Do you feel like we've been kind of distant lately? Or am I just just overthinking things?" He said quietly after a while. I nodded. "I feel the same way." I said.

"We haven't been that intimate or cuddly with eachother. I hate having space between us when we sleep. I love you more than anything, but I wanna be back the way we were. You know?" He said. I nodded again.

"Let's go out." I said as I looked up at him. He looked down and smiled a little. "Yeah?" I nodded. "Yeah. Let's go out to eat, maybe drive around a little, and then we can come back here and... I dunno... fool around?" I said. He laughed a little. "Okay. Sounds perfect."

What even is this story anymore omg. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been really busy with school and work *sigh*

I know this chapter kinda sucked, but hopefully the next ones will be better <3

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