Chapter 76

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Three Months Later
Chester's POV

Our baby was now four months old, and we had had her home for three of those months. Those three months were amazing. Who knew parenting would bring me so much joy. Of course, there were rough days, where we'd be super frustrated or just worn out, but it was worth it. Max just kept getting bigger and bigger and could now sit up if there was something supporting her.

Mine and Mike's marriage was going well. Finally getting intimate again which was nice. After a long day of poop, spit up and crying, we both needed to have some alone time.

One Friday in particular though, I needed some alone time. Away from both Max and Mike. Max was just in a mood that day and all she wanted to do was fuss. Mike was getting on my last nerve just by little annoying things he was doing. Eventually, I just told Mike that I needed a few hours away from that house.

"Mike, I'm literally gonna lose it if I stay here another second. Ryan is in the studio today, so I'm gonna go write with him for an hour or so. Okay?" I said while he held Max. He had finally gotten her to calm down and she was laying against his chest. "That's fine. You go cool off." He said. "You sure?" I asked. "I got this, Ches. I'll be okay." I said. "Okay. I love you." "I love you too, babe." He kissed me on my cheek, and I left the house. I got in my car and called Ryan. I actually didn't wanna write at all. I wanted a damn drink.

"Hey, Ches." Ryan said when be picked up. "Hey. You wanna go get a drink?" I asked. "Uh yeah sure. Amir is here as well." He said. "Okay. You two meet me at that bar we love." I said. "Okay, see you in a few."

I drove to the bar and went inside. I walked over to a table and sat to wait for Ryan and Amir. They showed up about five minutes later. We greeted eachother with hugs, then got a beer and sat down to talk.

"So... how's being a dad going?" Ryan asked. I sighed. "It's going good, but today I just needed a break. Today has been the toughest day since we brought her home." I said. He nodded. "She's just so fussy today and Mike was getting on my nerves. I had to get out before I snapped at him or had a mental breakdown." They both nodded again. Then I lightened the mood by talking about how amazing Max was and how good a dad Mike was. I showed them pictures of Max and really just felt like that annoying dad that just constantly talks about their kid at parties, but I didn't care. She's all I wanted to talk about.

Eventually they started talking about their lives. Ryan had been talking to some girl that had a three year old kid. He liked her, but still didn't know how he felt about being a dad. Till had apparently came back home and begged him to take him back but Ryan told him to fuck off. Amir had a girlfriend and he was thinking about proposing to her.

While we were talking, I caught this guy staring at me from a table across the bar. Once I looked back at him he smirked. I felt so uncomfortable.

"Ches? You listening?" Ryan asked. I looked away from the man and back at Ryan. "Yeah. Yeah sorry." I said, glancing back at him. Ryan followed my eyes and looked at the guy as well. "You know him?" He asked. I shook my head. "No, but he keeps staring at me. It's weird. Maybe he's a fan or some shit. Anyway, what were you saying?" I asked. "Oh um... oh yeah, when do you think we should get in the studio again?  It's been a while." He said. I shrugged. "Whenever I guess. Mike and I will have to take turns working I guess. One day I can go to the studio while he takes care of Max and then the other way around the next day." I said. Ryan nodded. "Yeah."

"Anyway, I guess I should go. I gotta go make sure Mike didn't burn the house down or just go completely insane all alone with Max." I said with a little laugh. Ryan and Amir laughed too. "Okay, Ches. See you later." Ryan said. "Bye Chester." Amir said. They gave me hugs and I left the bar. As I was walking down the street, I saw that man that had been looking at me leaned up against the wall smoking. He grinned when he saw me, tossed his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it as he walked over.

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