Chapter 34

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SEXUAL CONTENT UP AHEAD MY DUDES. It's not too dirty tho. Like it's cute. It's also kinda cringey so if you just wanna skip on ahead, go for it.

Mike's POV
I felt like such an asshole for not listening to Chester during the show. I told him to trust me and I fucked up. I was too busy talking to my friend. I tried thinking of a way to make it up to him. He said that it was okay, but let's be real, it wasn't okay.

"I'm really sorry about earlier Chester." I said as we walked in to my house after we got back from the show. He sighed a little and just shrugged. I took off my blazer and tossed it onto the arm of the couch as we walked through. He took off his and did the same thing. We both kicked off our shoes by the couch as well.

"I told you that it was fine, Mike." Chester said to me as we walked up to my room. I stopped halfway up the stairs and looked down at him who was a few steps behind me. "I know what you told me Chester, but it's really not fine. I told you to trust me, and I fucked it up." I continued to walk up the stairs. Chester sighed again and walked up with me. I closed the door when we where both in my room.

He turned to me and put both of his hands on my chest. "I still trust you, Mike. You were just busy talking to someone who you probably haven't seen in a while. It's okay. I forgive you." He said. I put my hands on his hips and just gave him a sympathetic look.

"I love you more than anything, and I know you didn't mean to hurt me, or break your promise. Stop beating yourself up over it." He said. I nodded. "How can I make it up to you?" I asked. "You don't have to do anything for me Mike. I told you that it was okay like a million times." He said with a little laugh.

"Let me... let me make you feel good tonight." I said. His smile slowly went away and he shook his head. "I-I'm not ready for sex Mike." He said nervously. "That's okay... We don't have to have sex. Let me touch you... feel you... You're still tense, so let me help with that." I said. He swallowed nervously and looked into my eyes. "Promise me you'll listen to me just in case I can't handle this." "I promise love." "Okay."

I slowly leaned in for a little kiss. The kiss was slow and gentle for a while. My hands moved up a little from his hips and untucked his shirt from his dress pants before going up to the first button and slowly undoing it. I walked him to the edge of the bed and laid him back on it, then continued with his shirt buttons. With each button I undid, I left a little kiss further and further down. Every kiss I left down his body earned me a sigh from him. It was clear that he had never done anything like this before. He was very hesitant with his hand movements and even his kisses.

After I unbuttoned his shirt, I threw it to the side and did the same with my own. As he went back in for another kiss, we locked eyes and his eyes were filled with complete nervousness. He had a light pink blush spreading on his cheeks. It was cute. "You okay love?" I asked. He nodded. I smiled. "Tell me if you want me to stop." He nodded again and I kissed him again. He ran his hands through my hair and tugged slightly, making me sigh against his lips. I loved the way his hands felt in my hair. I had always been a sucker for hair tugging and the way he did it fueled my fire even more.

I moved from his lips down to his neck. I sucked, licked and nibbled at his neck, leaving little red marks on his pale skin. "Mike..." He moaned. I smiled against his neck and went down even further to his chest and left a few kisses before going back up to his lips. I positioned myself on my knees better and ran my hands down his sides slowly causing him to squirm a bit.

"You ticklish?" I asked with a little chuckle. "Little bit." He said back. I smiled and ran my fingers lightly over his stomach. He giggled loudly and playfully pushed my hands away. I laughed and started kissing him again.

Cigarettes [Bennoda] ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora