Chapter 35

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*cough* The last chapter was cringey as hell, but I feel like this one is better and I hope you do too *cough*

Mike's POV
We woke up that next morning at around eight, but we stayed in bed for a few more hours. I had planned on taking Chester out that day to all of my favorite places and my favorite restaurants, but it was becoming clear that neither of us really wanted to do anything but cuddle all day.

"What do you want to do today, love?" I asked. "You're looking at it." He said. I chuckled and raised myself up on my elbow. "Do you think your mom would be mad if I didn't bring you back home tomorrow?" I asked. He laughed. "Probably. She loves you, but I think she likes having me home more." He said. I smiled and nodded.

"Let me make you breakfast, then let's just hang out here. I mean, if you're gonna live with me, then there will be plenty of time to show you around more." I said. He nodded. We got out of bed and walked down stairs to the kitchen.

"What would you like to eat?" I asked as I opened the fridge. "I have just about everything. I have frozen waffles and pancakes, or I can make some from batter. I can make French toast, eggs, or bacon. I have cereal too." I looked back at him. "How about you pick something to make and then you teach me how to make it." He said. I smiled. "Okay. How about we eat some eggs, bacon, and pancakes since you liked that yesterday, and it's the easiest to make." I said. He nodded.

I got out a pan from the cabinet and sat it on the stove. Then I got out the batter which I knew Chester already knew how to make because he made me waffles that one time. I handed him the box and a bowl and he made it.

"Now you're just gonna pour a little into the pan." I said. "I'm afraid I'll drop it." He said. I chuckled and got behind him to help him pour. "Now you have to wait a minute or so until it's done on the bottom before you flip it." "What if I accidentally burn it and burn down your house?" He asked. "Why do you think so negatively?" I asked back. He shrugged. "Well, for so many years, I never really had a reason to think positively, ya know? Growing up, something bad happened to me like every other day. Even if I thought positively the negative shit just ruined it." "Baby... You have reasons to think positively. Everything is good now. You're not getting bullied anymore, you're about to graduate, you have me... I'm a reason to think positively, right?" I asked. He looked back at me and smiled. "Of course Mike. I know I need to stop being a negative Nancy." He said. "I've never heard that saying before." "My mom calls me it all the time." He said. I laughed.

"Oh shit you better flip that pancake." I said. "I don't know how! If I flip it, won't it splatter?!" He asked frantically. "Calm down, love." I said with a little chuckle. I got back behind him and held his hand that was holding the spatula. I helped him flip the pancake and we saw that it was almost burned.

"You can have this one." He said. "Pfft. You can have it. You were the one that didn't flip it in time." I said. "Well you didn't tell me how to flip it so yeah." "How about we just throw it away and nobody has to eat it?" I said. "That's a good idea."

We tossed that pancake and successfully made four more, so each of us could have two. Then I taught him how to make scrambled eggs and bacon. Several egg jokes and burns from the grease popping off of the bacon later, we finished making breakfast.

"Okay let's see how you did." I said as I picked up a piece of bacon to take a bite. He rolled his eyes. "We know it'll be good because you did most of the work." He said. I just laughed and took a bite. "Mmm. You did good babe." I said. He just smiled and shook his head. We ate our breakfast and then didn't know what to do with the rest of our day.

"Teach me about your studio stuff." He said as we left the kitchen. "You just wanna learn so much today, don't you?" I said. He shrugged and smiled. "You said you had so much to teach me, so we better start now." I smiled. "Okay, let's take a shower and then we'll go to my studio."

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