Chapter 71

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Mike's POV

I decided to text the guys after Chester left.

Me: Okay so we all need to hang today and you mother fuckers need to help me out with a problem. Got it?

Phi: It's like 9am

Me: Yes I'm aware

Bradford: the sass

Hahn: what's the problem

Me: I'll tell you later

Bourdie: tell us now so I know if it's really worth missing a perfectly good day for surfing for

Me: so I kinda cheated on Chester
Me: I mean I didnt fuck anyone behind his back but his sister kissed me and then I kissed her back.
Me: Anyway, I need help cleaning up the house and getting a nice dinner going for him. I want to set up a beautiful candle lit dinner for him and just show him that I'm truly sorry for being a dick.

Bradford: you're an idiot, but yeah I'll help.

Hahn: me too

Bourdie: I guess I'll help even though I can hear the ocean calling my name

Phi: can I like sleep a few more hours first or ?

Me: Come over around two. Okay? I dunno when Chester is coming back from going out with Ryan and Amir so yeah

Bradford: okay. We'll be there


The guys showed up at two like I asked them to later that day, and I explained to them the incident with Chester and his sister once they got there.

"How did that even happen? You and Chester's sister kissing." Brad asked. I sighed. "She felt the baby kick and let me feel it. It was a beautiful moment, but it was ruined when she kissed me out of nowhere. I didn't wanna kiss her, and I knew it was wrong, but I still didn't push her away. Chester walked in while we were kissing and of course he was upset. He forgave me, but he's still a little torn up about it, and that's why I need you to help me with a nice dinner for him." I said. They all nodded and looked at eachother.

"I need some of you to pick up around here and make it look nice, I need someone to pick me up a dozen yellow roses because those are his favorite, and I need someone to help me with dinner. Okay?" I said. They all nodded. "I'll go get the roses. I'll pick the best ones." Rob said. "Okay, Rob. Who wants to help me with dinner? I was thinking that you could help me, Joe. We could make a little mix of Korean and Japanese?" I said. Joe nodded. "Yeah. I'll help do that." He said. "So that leaves you two to pick up around here. The house isn't too messy, but I want it perfect for my love. Okay?" Dave and Brad both nodded and got to work. Their job wasn't hard at all. They just straightened up the furniture that had become a little off center and folded blankets that were on the couch. They did a few more things as well and then just watched Joe and I cook.

"-So he's still upset even though you said sorry?" Joe asked as he chopped up some vegetables. "Duh. I mean, if you saw Heidi kiss another guy, you'd still be hurt even if you knew she was sorry." I said. He shrugged a little and then nodded. "Yeah I guess so. We all know you'd never do something like that on purpose though." He said.

"Well except for when he stayed at Chester's place when they first met and he was still with Anna at that time." Brad said. I sighed and turned around to look at him. He put his hands up in defense. "Hey. I'm just saying. You really weren't faithful then, so this happening doesn't really surprise me." He said. I sighed again.

"Look... back then... yeah. I did kiss Chester a few times behind Anna's back, but it was because I knew I was in love with him and knew I was going to break up with Anna. Obviously, that doesn't make it right. It was fucked up of me to do that. It's worse now because I know Chester is my one and only. He's the only human I ever want to wake up next to for the rest of my life. We're married and have a child on the way. All of that combined just makes this situation worse." I said. They all nodded.

"Anyway... dinner's done bro." Joe said after a few moments of silence. I nodded. "Thanks for the help, Joe." "Of course, Mike."

Rob walked in then with a dozen yellow roses like I had asked him to get. I got a vase down from a cabinet and put them in it along with some water. I put them in the center of the table and started making Chester and I a plate, and drink to put at our seats.

"Does this look romantic and sweet? Chester absolutely loves romantic and cheesy shit." I said. They all nodded.

"Yeah it looks nice. Maybe dim the lighting or something as well." Brad said. I nodded and turned down the lighting. They all smiled and nodded again. I smiled as well.

"Okay you guys get the fuck out of here. I'm gonna go get dressed up, and I'll text you how it goes later. Okay?" I said. "Yeah okay. Good luck, man." Dave said as he patted me on the back. They all gave me hugs and left my house. I went up stairs, took a quick shower, styled my hair, put on some black skinny jeans, black vans, and a black button up. Then I went downstairs and about that time, I heard the door opening. I sat at the table and waited for him to walk in.

"Hey, Mike. I-... woah." Chester said as he walked in and looked at the food, flowers and myself dressed up. I smiled a little and got up to pull out his chair for him. He sat down a few shopping bags and sat down at the table. I went back to my seat and we both scooted in.

"This is beautiful, Mike." Chester said. "Thank you, love." "You did this all for me?" He asked. "Yep. All for you, baby." I said. He smiled a little and blushed. "Wow." He said. "Dig in, babe." I said, picking up my silverware. He smiled and did the same.

We ate and then we both cleaned up the kitchen. I washed the dishes, and he dried and put them away. Then we went upstairs to get ready for bed. He stripped down and I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind.

"I love you." I said quietly. "I love you too." He said. I kissed the back of his neck and then trailed little kisses to his neck. He tilted his head back against my shoulder and closed his eyes. He had the littlest of smiles on his face. I smiled a little and continued planting kisses down his neck.

"So beautiful, baby... so, so beautiful..." I whispered against his neck. He swallowed and let out a little moan. After a while, I turned him around and put my lips against his. He kissed me back and I started walking us to the bed. I layed him back on it and crawled on top of him.

"I'm so in love with you Chester Charles..." I said as I went back down his neck with kisses. I reached down to stroke him and he moaned. I was still fully clothed and I planned to keep it that way. I wanted this to be all for him. I didn't deserve any pleasure from this after what I had put my baby through.

"Why am I the only one naked here?" He said with a laugh as he started pulling off my shirt. I moved his hands away and looked at him. "This is for you, love. Not me. I don't deserve it." I said. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Mike... no... I forgive you. I've said it a million times. I'm truly okay. I promise, and I want to do this with you. I don't want you to try and sleep with a hard on or finish yourself off. Okay?" He said. "I was upset this morning and last night, but I feel better after my day with the guys and the dinner earlier was so beautiful and amazing. I'm okay." He said.

"Now take some of these clothes off." I laughed a little and nodded. I gave in and stripped down as well.


The night ended beautifully and we both needed it. I still felt bad, but Chester was finally looking at me like he used to again instead of looking at me with a confused hurt look like he had been the past day.

It was going to be hard for either of us to forget what happened, but we knew we both loved eachother with all of our hearts. We had a child on the way and couldn't risk ruining our relationship over a dumb mistake.

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