Chapter 4

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"Hey Ches! How was the show?!" My dad asked as I walked through the door. I went and sat beside him on the couch. "It was amazing dad! We were so close to the stage and Mike, Ryu and Tak put on an amazing show! And you'll never believe this." I said. My dad chuckled at my excitement over the show and nodded for me to go on. "I got to meet Mike!" "Really? Good for you, Ches!" He said, genuinely happy for me. "We talked for like 10 minutes until someone made him leave. He bummed a cigarette from me and we chatted like we'd known eachother forever! And he even gave me his jacket!" I said.

"Damn Ches! I guess you had a pretty good birthday then?" "Yes! It was the best birthday I've ever had! Thank you guys so much for the concert tickets... I kind of feel bad because I know how hard things have been lately." I said, looking down. "Hey, look at me." He said. I looked up and he was giving me a sympathetic look.

"Yes. Things have been hard around here but don't worry about it. It's not your place to have to worry about money or the bills. We just wanted you to have a great birthday and I want you to enjoy it without feeling guilty." He said. "Did it set us back a couple hundred dollars? Hell yeah but you had a good time didn't you?" "Yeah." I said, still feeling bad. "Then that's all that matters." He said with a smile. He patted me on the back. "Now go get some sleep. You must be tired after your long day." I nodded and gave him a hug.

I got up and walked through the house. I saw my mom sitting at the table going through bills.

I stood in the door way and put my head against the wall. I felt so bad that we had to pay for bills, the divorce and still had to make payments on my hospital and rehab visits and my selfish ass just went to a concert with my buddies, wasting hundreds of dollars.

My mom looked up. "Hello, Chester. How was your show?" She asked. I went into the room and sat at the table. "It was good. They did amazing and I got to meet Mike. He gave me his jacket." I said. "Oh well that's good! Why do you look down honey?" She asked. I sighed.

"We have so much shit to pay for and then my stupid ass got concert tickets and I went to the show without thinking twice... I feel bad. I know those tickets weren't cheap." I said, picking up a few of the bills, looking at them and tossing them back on the table.

"Chester, it's your birthday. We wanted to give you a good birthday. Things have been hard lately and we just wanted you to have fun. Don't worry about the bills, Ches. That's mine and your dad's job." "That's what dad said." I said with a little laugh. "Well your dad is a smart man." She said. It was quiet for a little while.

"Why are you and dad getting a divorce?" I asked, breaking the silence. "You two don't really fight and you are nice to eachother... I don't understand. Things seem fine." She sighed. "We just don't love eachother like we used to, Chester. That doesn't mean we regret anything or not love eachother at all, but we are just growing apart." She said. I just nodded.

"Go get some sleep, hon. Don't feel guilty or bad about the concert. We wouldn't have done it for you if we didn't want to. We love you." "I love you guys too." I said. I gave her a hug and went down the hall to my room.

I plopped down on my bed and curled into a ball and went to sleep with Mike's jacket that I definitely wasn't ever going to wash.

Oooh look, one of my fanfics where the parents are actually cool and nice XD

Cigarettes [Bennoda] ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें