Chapter 5

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Chester's POV
I woke up that morning engulfed in Mike's jacket. I couldn't believe that the night before actually happened. I wanted to relive it over and over again for the rest of my life.

That night made me fall even more in love with him and his music. Just seeing my favorite person performing his songs, my favorite songs, on stage made me extremely happy.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my mother knocking at my door. "Chester, It's time for school!" She yelled, from the otherside of the door. I groaned and threw my blanket over my head. "Please don't make me go, mom." I said. "You have to, Chester. You've already missed too many days and are failing." I sighed and sat up. "I made breakfast."

I unwillingly took off Mike's jacket and hung it on the hook on my wall and put on some new clothes.

I went downstairs and ate with my family and then drove to school.

Both Ryan and Amir looked like they got hit by a bus when I saw them that morning. I probably did too because I didn't shower or anything.

"What's up guys?" I asked. They both shrugged. "Got a bit of post concert depression I see." They both nodded. "Yeah, me too." I said, sitting down on the steps by Ryan.

We sat in pretty much complete silence until the bell rang.

We all went to Coach Walton's class and Ryan and I immediately got our asses chewed out for not showing up to detention after school the day before.

The whole day went by so slow. I couldn't focus all day long. I just wanted to talk to Mike again and snuggle in his hoodie that smelled strongly of expensive cologne.

When the school day was over, Ryan and I had to stay longer for detention since we didn't when we were supposed to. It was only an hour, but it sure felt longer.

After detention, we both went to the local music store to look around before we went home.

I found a couple CDs in the used CD bin for a couple bucks and Ryan found one that he really wanted. We both went up to the counter to pay and I saw a magazine off to the side that caught my eye. I don't know what company printed it but I can remember what it said.

Fort Minor's Mike Shinoda is engaged to long time girlfriend, Anna! Read to find out what has kept their love strong through thick and thin.

I sighed and picked it up. It was printed a week or so before I had seen it. Even though I didn't really want to know about his girlfriend, or fiancée, I bought it anyway. Ryan gave me a sympathetic look when he saw what it said.

"I mean... did you really think you'd have a chance with him?" He asked. I looked over and glared. "No, but now I really won't have a chance with him if he's getting married. At least before there was a what if and a maybe." I said.

I paid for my stuff, dropped Ryan off at his house and went back to mine. My mom was making dinner and my dad was watching something on the tv. I plopped down onto the couch beside him and sighed loudly.

"What's the matter, son?" He asked. "The love of my life is getting married." I mumbled. "Love of your life? Who's that?" He asked with a little chuckle. "Mike Shinoda, duh." "Oh, right." He said.

It was quiet for a few minutes until he spoke up again.

He paused the TV and turned toward me. "Ches, look at me." He said. I glanced over. "What is it?" I asked. "If you really love this guy... You gotta be supportive, right?" "Well, yeah." I said, already knowing where he was going.

"Well then you gotta support him and his fiancée. I know that he's a celebrity and all but he has feelings just like everyone else. He can feel love and he apparently loves this girl and you gotta respect that. Just because he gave you his jacket and talked to you for a couple minutes doesn't mean he fell in love with you. Ya know what I mean?" I sighed. "Yeah." I said.

What my dad said was completely right but I couldn't help but still feel so jealous.

"Dinner's ready, guys!" My mom yelled, after our talk. Me, my dad, and my brother and sisters all made our way to the kitchen to eat.

Everyone was talking about their day and laughing about things but I just kept quiet and ate with my head propped up on my elbow.

I couldn't stop thinking about Mike and how he was probably with his girl right then.

I knew deep down that nothing would happen between us but my heart was still broken. I know it seems stupid to get heart broken by something like that, but I couldn't help it.

"Chester?" My mom said, softly, snapping me out of my thoughts for the second time that day. I glanced up and looked at her. "Are you okay, hon?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yeah... yeah I'm fine. Just had a long day." I said. She gave me a little nod. It was quiet after that. The quietness felt suffocating. Everyone's eyes felt like they were on me as well and when I'd look up everyone averted their eyes.

I sighed, got up, and put my plate and glass in the sink. Then I went to my room.

I got some fresh boxers then went down the hall to the bathroom to take a shower. After showering and brushing my teeth, I went back to my room and put on Mike's jacket. I instantly felt comforted by the material and smell.

I plopped onto my bed and grabbed the magazine that I had bought that day.

I layed on my stomach and opened it up to the article about Mike.

There was pictures of him and his fiancée everywhere on the atricle. The pictures were so cute and you could tell that they completely adored eachother. This Anna girl was very beautiful as well. Way more good looking than I was.

I read a little bit of the Q and A and became even more heartbroken.

So how long have you and Anna been together?
MS: Since we were probably 21.

When did you know you loved her?
MS: The second I layed my eyes on her. She was so different than other girls that I had dated or that tried to get with me and I loved that.

What has been something that has tested your love over the years?
MS: Probably the fact that I'm always gone. At first she'd get real upset when I'd have to leave for tour, which is understandable. I mean I'd hate to sit around at home while my partner is on the other side of the world doing God knows what. Also she'd see pictures of me with girls from shows and get mad. She had to learn to trust me and know I would never cheat on her or hurt her in any way on purpose.

Is she your soul mate?
MS: Yeah... I believe so. No one makes me feel like she does. She's the most amazing human being in this entire world and I want to be with her for forever.

I groaned and tossed the magazine across the room. I was so jealous. At this point I didn't necessarily want just Mike. I just wanted someone to talk about me the way he talked about Anna.

I pulled down the covers and got into bed. As much as I tried, I couldn't sleep. I spent most of the night just staring up at the ceiling and being sad about Mike getting married.

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