Chapter 62

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Mike's POV
"Kids! Breakfast is ready!" Chester's mom yelled that next morning. I was holding Chester up against my chest tightly and I smiled once I looked at his hands and saw his ring glistening in the sunlight that was coming through the window. We were finally engaged, about to get married. I was so fucking happy.

Chester stirred after awhile and then rolled over to face me. "Good morning, my beautiful fiance." I said. He smiled and snuggled into my chest. "Good morning." He said back. "I feel like I'm dreaming. I'm so happy." I smiled. "Me too, baby."

Just then Chester's mom walked in the door and it just about gave me a heart attack because I could've swore we had locked the door the night before. "Boys? I-" She stopped and glanced around the room at our discarded clothes on the floor. Both of us turned a dark shade of red. "Uh... anyway, breakfast is ready." She said before quickly leaving the room.

"That was so fucking awkward. Oh my God." I said. Chester chuckled. "Yeah, it was." He said with a nod. "I thought we locked the door?" "I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, so I probably forgot to lock it back in my half asleep state." He said.

"I really don't wanna go in there now." I said. He giggled a little. "Oh Mike. It's just my mom, you know she won't really care, she'll just give us a hard time about it." He said. I smiled a little. "That's exactly why I don't wanna go in there." I said. He laughed.

"Let's go eat and get it over with and then we can come back and snuggle." He said. I sighed a little before smiling and nodded. "Okay."

We both sat up and got our boxers off the floor. "Oh Mike..." Chester said as he ran his fingers over my back once I stood all the way up from getting my boxers on. It stung a little once he touched me. "Jesus, Chester." I said as I flinched and moved away from him. "Your back is covered in scratches... I didn't mean to hurt you last night." He said quietly. "It's okay, love. It was really hot in the moment." I said. He smiled a little.

"You better put on a shirt though." He said as he tossed me one of my hoodies. "Uh yeah, you too." I said as I looked at his neck. Chester blushed and smiled. He grabbed my flannel since it had a collar on it and put it on.

"Do I smell like sex?" I whispered to him as we made our way to the kitchen. "Honestly yeah." He said. We both just laughed.

We sat down at the table with his siblings and his mom put food in front of us. Then she sat down and I could not make eye contact. It was so awkward. Chester cleared his throat after awhile to talk.

"So... um... Mike proposed last night." He said. All of his siblings and mom's eyes widened. "Last night?" They all asked. Chester smiled and nodded. "Yeah at three in the morning. On the back porch. It was fucking aborable." He said. I blushed a little and looked down at my food.

"Well congrats! I guess that explains why your room was... a mess?" His mom asked. "Mom please just pretend you never saw any of that." Chester said as a dark blush spread across his cheeks and down his neck again. She just laughed and got up to wash dishes.

"No, but really, I'm so happy for you both. I wouldn't want anyone else to marry my son but you, Mike." She said as she turned around to look at us. We both smiled. "So when's the wedding?" She asked. "Oh God... I don't even know. This happened at three in the morning mom. Do you think we already set a date and everything?" Chester asked. His siblings laughed and his mom just playfully rolled her eyes. "I just thought you might have an idea of when you would want it." She said.

"Definitely not in the Summer or Winter." Chester said. I nodded in agreement. "And I don't really like Springtime, so... maybe Fall?" He said as he glanced back at me. I smiled because that's exactly what I had been thinking. I nodded. He smiled even bigger.

"Fuck. I'm so in love." He said as he got out of his chair to sit in my lap. He kissed me and then his little 12, about to be 13, year old sister just had to speak up. "You're gross." Annie said jokingly with a mouthful of food.

"Oh Annie. Trust me, you'll find you someone that makes you feel like Mike makes me feel in the future. It's the best feeling ever." He said. I smiled as he stuck his head in the crook of my neck to hug me. He pulled away after that and sat with his back against my chest.

After breakfast, Chester and I went and got back in his bed where we snuggled for most of the day.

"I'm so fucking ready to be your husband." He said. I smiled. "Me too. You gonna take my last name, or are we just gonna keep our last names? I'd love to take yours, but ya know everyone knows me as Mike Shinoda." I said. He shrugged. "I dunno. Part of me thinks that we should just keep our last names, but if I took your last name, it'd make us feel more... I don't know. Even closer?" I nodded. "Whatever you wanna do, love." I said as I caressed his cheek. He smiled and closed his eyes.

"After we get married, we can, ya know, think about having a kid." I said quietly. He opened his eyes and smiled even bigger. "I'm ready for it. I'm a little scared, but I'm so ready to get married and have kids. I'm ready to have my own family." "Me too."

"How many kids you want?" I asked. He shrugged. "At least two, four at the most." He said. I nodded. "Do you think we can do it? Be dads?" I asked. "I mean, you know we don't have the motherly instincts or anything like that." He shrugged. "I guess we'll figure it out. Won't we?" He said. I smiled.

"I guess so."

We went home that next day and spread the news of our engagement to all of our friends and my family. They were all pretty happy and excited for us.

We started planning for our wedding once we got home because we both wanted to get married as soon as possible. We were just so ready to be husbands.

"Where do you wanna get married, baby?" I asked one evening. "Anywhere. I don't even care, Mike. I just wanna marry you. Anywhere will be perfect." He said. "God, you're so fuckin cute." I said. He giggled and moved from his spot beside me on the couch to my lap. "We could literally get married in a dump and it wouldn't even bother me because all that matters to me is marrying you." I smiled and pulled him even closer to me.

"Okay, so I'll call the dump and ask if we can get married there-" I said jokingly. Chester cut me off. "No don't." He said with a laugh. "You said it didn't matter." I said. He laughed again. "Gah you know what I meant. How about we get married at Venice or something?" "The beach? You sure?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I think it'd be cute. Nothing too crazy, you know? Just us and our closest friends and family. We could get married on the beach and then all come back here for dinner. I want it to be small, intimate and special. I don't want a huge wedding at a church or anything, and I don't want a bunch of people there that we hardly even talk to. I just want our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings and best friends there." Chester said. I smiled.

"That actually sounds really fucking perfect. We know we want it in the fall, so are we going to have it this year, or next year." I asked. "Well I really don't wanna wait a whole year..." He said. "Well, then we're gonna get married this year." I said. He smiled. "We just need to find someone to marry us, make some invites, get a cake ordered because we can't have a wedding without cake and figure out what to eat after the wedding." I said. He nodded.

"I never thought wedding planning would be this easy." Chester said. I laughed. "Me neither."

"Okay, so we need to make invitations and I need to know what to put on them. Have you decided if you're going to take my last name or not?" I asked Chester. He sighed a little. "Don't be mad, but I kinda just wanna keep my last name. I would totally take yours, but Bennington is on so much paper work and everyone knows me as Chester Bennington. I'm sorry." He said kind of nervously. "It's okay, love. It doesn't matter to me. You'll still be mine even though we don't have the same last name." I said. He smiled and nodded.

We got some invitations printed and sent them to the people closest to us and then we ordered a cake and found some guy to marry us. We bought some new suits for our big day as well.

Now all that was left to do was wait for the wedding day.

Oof sorry this chapter sucked XD

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