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Peter was entering the Pembooke building and saw Fred Andrews' truck parked outside

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Peter was entering the Pembooke building and saw Fred Andrews' truck parked outside. He had remembered Veronica mentioning to him how the Andrews were going to her place for dinner. That left Peter with his mom for the evening -- however, his mom was working late so in actuality it was just him.

Peter was about to head toward the elevator when he got a text message. It was Michelle. He was a bit shocked. Michelle hasn't really talked to him in a while, and he thinks it has to do with the fact Jughead is against Hiram Lodge and Peter is close to the man.

The text message just said, "come to Sunnyside, we need to talk".


Peter had arrived at Sunnyside, he had never been down there -- not even while dating Toni. She had said he wouldn't last long at the trailer park, given he's a rich boy from the North side. However, after some time the Southside fellows know Peter from Toni and his loyalties to her and some of the younger Serpents.

"Took you long enough," Michelle says leaning against a trailer, "What took you so long?"

Peter gives her a look, "I don't have a car." He says.

"That's a you trouble, Peter." She says rolling her eyes, "Now come with me."

She gestures him to follow her into a trailer. He was a bit confused on to why, but he just follows his friend into the trailer. Upon getting inside, he sees that it was Jughead's place. Part of the reason it was a dead give away, was the fact there was a shirt laying around with an S on it and Peter knew only one person who had that shirt.

"Michelle, what's going on?" Peter asks.

He noticed the crazed newspaper conspiracy theory looking bullshit in the kitchen. He seemed a bit confused -- and alarmed.

"Michelle," Peter turns to her, "What is all of this?"

Michelle frowns, "Jug thinks that this is the article that will save the town from Hiram Lodge-,"

"He's still on about that?" Peter groans, "He sounds like my dad."

Michelle reached out as Peter was about to leave, he looked from the door to one of his close friends.

"Please, listen to me." She says, "I know Hiram has done a lot for you. For your mom and for your dad but- he isn't that great of a guy."

Peter frowns, "He isn't that great of a guy?" He looked a bit angry, "Michelle, he didn't evict Jughead or anyone else who lives in this trailer park. He forgave their debts."

"But, he was the reason everyone who lives here almost lost the trailer park. Hiram's- he's slicker than a bottle of snake oil, no doubt about that, he's smart." Michelle says, "But he also bought the Riverdale Register." Michelle says.

Peter remembered hearing about that when he, Betty, Veronica, and Archie were at the cabin. Peter remembered how Betty had gotten so worked up after her mom had called her that night.

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