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It was Peter's birthday -- Saturday morning, Peter woke up like any ordinary day

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

It was Peter's birthday -- Saturday morning, Peter woke up like any ordinary day. He laid in bed, looking at his ceiling for a few moments before he decided to get up or not.

Finally Peter managed to sit up in bed -- from in his room, he heard muttering. Voices really. He grabbed a white shirt and slipped it on, and headed to the door. The teen partly opened the door to hear his parent's voices.

"So how long you plan to stay in Riverdale, Tony?" May asks.

"I want to fix things, May." Tony replied.

Peter heard the sound of dishes slamming in the sink. May was either about to do the dishes or was currently doing them.

"You should've thought about that before you slept with your secretary." May said.

Tony doesn't reply to that.

"After tonight, you need to go." May said, "I don't care where but you need to leave."

This seemed to shock Peter. As he had expected his dad would keep having the couch treatment until they settled things, but that doesn't seem the case. His mom was still hurt by this, and even her going to Cleveland for a while didn't fix things nor did Tony being in New York.

"May," Tony said.

"I don't want to talk about this any further," May said, "This is Peter's sixteenth birthday."

Peter sighs and slid back into his room, he walked back to his bed and collapsed onto it. Sitting on the edge of it and placed his hands on his face. Resting there for a moment -- he jolted when he heard his phone go off. Looking down was a text message from Veronica.

She wants him at Pop's to set things up.

"Today is gonna be a long day." Peter said.


After Peter managed to escape the awkwardness of his apartment, he arrived at Pop's. He found Veronica there with Kevin.

"Took you long enough," Veronica said.

Peter smiles awkwardly, "Sorry,"

Kevin shakes his head, "No worries, after all you are the birthday boy." He said.

The three of them spent part of the afternoon setting up decorations, apparently Betty couldn't be bothered to help with her plan to unmask the Black Hood. And Archie was resting after his brawl with the Serpents.

"So, Pete." Veronica said as she placed a table sheet over one of the tables in a booth, "Are we gonna be meeting your girlfriend tonight?"

Peter looks up at Veronica, "Uh- yeah." He said.

Peter was setting up lights, with Kevin holding onto the ladder.

"Does she go to our school?" Kevin asks.

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