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The story continues

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The story continues. The Mayor's Jubilee was supposed to change everything -- be a new start, but when everyone woke up the very next morning, Riverdale was still at its heart a haunted town.

Meanwhile, Archie Andrews, who doesn't even have a driver's license yet, is at this very moment careening down the streets of Riverdale, trying to outrace death.

As Archie floors the gas and tries to keep the truck straight as he sped -- kept glancing over at his father. Fred Andrews, literally covered in his own blood, but barely conscious.

Fred groans.

Archie glanced at his father before turning back to the road, "Hold on, dad. Hold on." He says, "We're almost there. We're almost there."

Archie turned a street corner -- with a rather sharp turn. Archie used one of his hands to stir while the other one held onto his bleeding father.

"They're gonna fix you up. Stay with me, dad. Stay with me." Archie said.

Archie managed to pull up to Riverdale General -- literally without wrecking the truck. Archie grabs his dad out of the truck and ran into the building.

"Help! Please, hey! Help!" Archie yells, "Someone help me and my dad!"

A nurse noticed this and walks out from behind the nurse desk -- she looks at the injured older man and turns her head to the back.

"Gurney!" She yells.

A gurney shows up and helped Fred onto the gurney -- and were going down the hall to be treated. Out of nowhere, a doctor showed up.

"What happened to him?" The doctor asks.

Archie, still covered in his own father's blood, was still in shock from the whole ordeal. He was speaking fast but also stuttering.

"He was- He was- sh- shot," Archie said not even taking his eyes off his dad.

The doctor looks from the young redhead to the father. A nurse was trying to see if Fred was conscious -- but it seems that he has lost consciousness.

"Sir, can you hear me?" A nurse asks, "Can you tell me your name?"

Archie spoke up, "His name's Fred Andrews." Archie said.

The nurse looks from Fred to the doctor, "He's not responding."

The doctor nods, "Massive blood loss, it looks-,"

And then Fred's body began to shake and his heart rate spiked up. Archie was freaking. They wheeled Fred into a room -- Archie tried to go follow, but a nurse stopped him.

"Sir, sorry, I need you to step away. Let us work." The nurse said and stepped in.

Archie, covered in the dried blood of his father, ran his hand in his hair -- sobbing.

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