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The bell rang -- indicating that someone had arrived at Pop's

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The bell rang -- indicating that someone had arrived at Pop's. Peter was sitting in a booth, nursing his milkshake. He had been there since his "fight" with Flash. He had completely lost track of time.

"Kind of expected Betty to be the one to find you," Spoke Cheryl, "Guess that makes me special."

Peter looks up to see the redhead. She had her hand resting on the back rest of the booth seat. She looked at him, only until Peter looked away.

"Can I take a seat?" Cheryl asks.

Peter nods, "Free country." He answers.

Cheryl sighs and takes the seat in front of him. She slides into the seat and looks at Peter -- fully looks at him. She noticed the black eye from Flash.

"Peter," Cheryl said, "We've known each other since we were infants."

Peter noticed a smile on her face. That was true. As it was known, pretty much the Blossoms and Lockharts did a lot together -- despite the fact they didn't fully like each other. It was image, it was only business.

Cheryl held onto her hands, "We didn't always get along," She then looks at him, "I- uh no Jason and I bullied you."

Peter frowns and looks away. The mere mention of Jason was hard on not only him but knew it was even harder for Cheryl.

"But you- you became my knight in shining armor, Peter." She said with a single tear in her eyes, "You've saved me multiple times and all I've done was- well make things a mess for you."

Peter looks back at her -- about to say something, whether it be a protest or not. Cheryl shakes her head and looks at him.

"I know kicking Michelle off the Vixens was wrong of me," Cheryl said, "She is my- was my friend. With her coming out as a Serpent was just- shocking, but you knew."

Peter frowns glancing at the milkshake that was slowly melting.

"I should've put it together," Cheryl said looking off in her own daze, "How she always spoke up about how they aren't all criminals and how her dad lives in the Southside."

Peter glanced at her, "Cheryl,"

Cheryl looks back at him, "What I am saying is not only do I owe you an apology but I do owe one to Michelle, and probably those Southside kids as well."

Cheryl adjusted how she was sitting in the booth. The two teens looking at each other -- not taking their eyes off each other.

"I'm sorry, Peter. You were there for me at my worst and then some, but when things got hard- I wasn't there nor did I try to stay." Cheryl said.

Cheryl reached out and held her hand toward his hand. The two look at each other until Peter's gaze moved to the hand. Peter moved his hand over and held onto her hand.

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