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Jughead was pacing back and forth in his trailer -- Archie was over, and was sitting on the couch

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Jughead was pacing back and forth in his trailer -- Archie was over, and was sitting on the couch. He had heard what Jughead had told him about the meeting with Tall Boy.

"This isn't an alliance with the Ghoulies. This is a hostile takeover." Jughead said.

Archie watched his friend back and forth.

Archie had remembered a time where Jughead was so ashamed of his father's connections to the Serpents, literally months ago and how look at him. He took pride in trying to keep order in the gang.

"God, who knows how long Tall Boy has been planning on betraying us." Jughead said, "Maybe I stall, just until Sweetpea and Toni get out. I just hope they'd rather go to war with the Ghoulies than start-,"

"Jughead," Archie tried to stop him.

"Dealing jingle-jangle," Jughad finished.

Archie stands, "You joined the Serpents to keep the peace." He said.

"My dad would never sit back and let this happen, so, neither will I." Jughead said, "So, unless you have any better ideas."

"Not me," Archie said, "But, dude, what you just said-,"


Peter as well as everyone else, minus Archie and even Cheryl, from that party were at Pickens Park for community service.

Kevin groans

"Pickens Parks? More like Needle Park." Veronica said.

"I wouldn't even go cruising here." Kevin said.

Peter grins at that comment. They were collecting trash in trash bags, and were being watched over by a deputy in case something happens to the teens or they try to slack off.

"Hey, uh, Reggie?" Peter glanced at him, "You gonna help out?"

Reggie was too busy to look at his phone to pay attention to what everyone else was doing. Josie and her girls kept glaring at him. He was a star football player -- this was beneath him.

Melody turns, "We get it, you're basically Beyoncé, but today, you're just like the rest of us."

"I think your biceps can handle it, Mantle." Josie commented.

Reggie grins at Josie, "Trying to get me to flex?"

Veronica could hear the groaning from Josie and her Pussycats. Veronica had a mission after all, and it was to find out who was Reggie's supplier for Betty. Veronica glanced at Peter -- he was chatting with Kevin, the two laughing among each other. She didn't like keeping a secret from Peter, but Betty had to be the one to tell him.

Veronica steps over, "Josie, mind if I borrow Reggie for a New York minute?" She asks.

Josie nods, "Please. Take him."

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