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Peter had arrived at the Lodges after school, he was suppose to help Veronica with some homework -- but when he stepped inside, he noticed Veronica was not there

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Peter had arrived at the Lodges after school, he was suppose to help Veronica with some homework -- but when he stepped inside, he noticed Veronica was not there.

"Peter, my boy. What a surprise." Hiram greets the boy.

Peter nearly jumps, but turns. He gives Hiram a friendly smile and lowers his backpack by the door.

"Uh- hi, I was looking for Veronica." Peter says.

Hiram looks at the boy, "Oh, well she isn't here."

Peter nods and looks at his phone, "I'm suppose to help her with our homework," He says, "Guess I'll come back later."

Hiram then stops the boy by saying, "Wait," He gains Peter's attention, "Walk with me."

Peter placed his backpack on the floor by the door and follows Hiram. The two end up in Hiram's study -- which is a place Peter knew not many people were allowed in. Hiram pours himself something to drink and takes a seat, Peter standing by a chair.

"You can sit down," Hiram said.

Peter nods and sits down, "Oh okay, sir." He says.

"Peter, I care about you like a son and I want to make sure you're alright. Are you alright, given everything you've been through lately?" Hiram asks.

Peter shrugs, "I mean, I haven't talked to my dad since my mom kicked him out." He says and then looks at Hiram, "Can I ask you a question?"

Hiram nods, "Of course, Peter. You can ask me anything."

"Is it true that you've been buying a lot of land in Riverdale?" Peter asks curiously.

Hiram looks at the boy. Poor naive Peter, sure, he may be smart like his father but unlike Tony -- he is far too trusting. Easily manipulated if needed.

"Riverdale's gossip sure spreads like forest fire." Hiram says.

Peter continued to look at Hiram, "Yeah- I was just curious, given the fact that my dad had sold the land his old man use to have his business at. Which is near the old drive-in," He says.

Hiram looks at Peter, "It is true I've been purchasing land in Riverdale."

"For what exactly?" Peter asks.

Hiram gives Peter a small smile, "Purely business, my boy."

Peter nods and then fumbles with his hands, "But it's true you bought Sunnyside Trailer Park? And you're gonna evict all those who live there?"

Hiram looks at the teen in front of him, "I never said business was single, and besides my dear Veronica and your pal Jughead had set up a negotiation in regards to the people at the trailer park. I wish no one to be evicted from their homes, and that's a promise." He said.

Just then Archie appeared by the study. Both Peter and Hiram looked up when they heard the redhead.

"Archie, come on in." Hiram said and turns to Peter, "I'm assuming my Veronica is home. You two can go work on school work."

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