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The Mayor was trying to get a handle on the situation

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The Mayor was trying to get a handle on the situation. It wasn't good and it wasn't going to get better either. So the Mayor had decided to set up a town hall -- the only way for her to find any control in this chaotic new world of Riverdale.

Everyone in Riverdale was in panic and Mayor McCoy wanted to make them at ease. But how? How do you do that, when the town has its own serial killer running among them. Anyone could be next at any given moment. No one was safe.

People feared walking the streets -- hell, parents were more fearful of their children were out the moment the sun begins to set. Worry sets in.

Shops closing early. Extra locks added to fill a need for control and another added protection. And a larger edge building between the North and South -- mostly due to Alice Cooper.


Veronica had finished her breakfast -- finishing drinking her orange juice. Her father was sitting at the table and her mother was entering the room.

However, Hermione enters in and brings it up. Brings up Archie Andrews' video. His video addressing the man who shot his dad.

"To be honest," Veronica said, "I had no idea what Archie was thinking."

Hermione looks at her daughter, "He didn't say anything to you about this video?" She asks.

Veronica shakes her head, "Am I my boyfriend's keeper?" Veronica asks.

Hermione kept her gaze on Veronica, "Basta, mija, this isn't something you should be joking about." Hermione said.

"It's a video, mom." Veronica said.

"Yes, threatening violence." Hermione said looking at Veronica.

At this moment, her mother had made her way over to her father. Hiram seemed to be keeping his mouth silent.

"Daddy, can you please tell mom she's overreacting?" Veronica asks.

Veronica hoped that she would get her dad to agree with her. After all, Hiram was trying to get back on her good side anyways. Hiram lowered the newspaper he was reading and looked at his only daughter.

"On this matter, Veronica, I stand with your mother." Hiram said.

"Which means you are done dating Archie Andrews." Hermione says.

Veronica stands up, "This isn't Amish country, mom. I can date who I want to date. And I'm not jumping to any conclusions until I hear Archie's side of the story." She said.


"So did you see Archie's video?" Ned asks Peter.

Peter was grabbing his text books.

"Yeah," He says.

Peter had seen it. He saw it and within minutes it was being shared on every form of social media out there -- the message was spreading wide and quickly.

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