Season 1

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A small town that seemed innocent on the outside

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A small town that seemed innocent on the outside.....

 Has changed after one fateful day, after one summer everything changed

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...... Has changed after one fateful day, after one summer everything changed.....

 Has changed after one fateful day, after one summer everything changed

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...... One July changed the fabric of an entire community. One July 4th, changed everything....

 To find the truth on what changed this small town, teenagers are going to find the answer

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..... To find the truth on what changed this small town, teenagers are going to find the answer....

 To find the truth on what changed this small town, teenagers are going to find the answer

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... But what they find, they may not like.....


Chapters 1 through 5 - Episode 1

Chapters 6 through 9 - Episode 2

Chapters 10 through 14 - Episode 3

Chapter 15 - In between episode 3 & episode 4

Chapters 16 through 19 - Episode 4

Chapters 20 through 21 - Episode 5

Chapters 22 through 23 - Episode 6

Chapters 24 through 25 - Episode 7

Chapters 26 through 27 - Episode 8

Chapters 28 - Episode 9

Chapter 29 through 31 - Episode 10

Chapter 32 through 34- Episode 11

Chapter 35 through 38 - Episode 12

Chapter 39 through 40 - Episode 13

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