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Peter was walking into the school -- surprisingly listening to a more modern music

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Peter was walking into the school -- surprisingly listening to a more modern music. This was all because of Toni. As he headed to his locker -- he saw Ned waiting for him at his locker.

"So bud," Ned says, "What are we going to do for your birthday?"

Peter gives him a look as he takes out an earbud, "My birthday isn't for a few weeks."

Ned gives Peter a confused look, "Dude, you're birthday is like five days away."

Peter seemed shocked, "Really? Jeez, I must've forgotten." He said.

Ned gives Peter a pass on this -- seeing as Ned knew that Peter was dealing with his own issues. Not to mention still dealing with that cast on his wrist.

"Well we have to do something," Ned said.

Peter shakes his head, "I was thinking low key, Ned. Something that doesn't bring a lot of attention." He said.

Ned nods, "Okay. How about a simple night where you, myself, Flash, Liz, Michelle, and that girlfriend of yours go see a movie."

Peter looks at Ned and grins, "Sure. Why not." He said.

And then the two began to walk down the hallway of Riverdale High.

Word had spread of the death of Ms Grundy. Rumors began to spill the halls, littered the heads of students and staff members. The toxic words being passed along.

And everyone knew that Archie was struggling with this. First his father and then his first -- his Ms Grundy. This was probably gonna push the redhead off the edge, if he hasn't already taken a foot off already.


During lunch -- Peter had finished his lunch and was gonna work on a project for his robotics class, however he halted by the Blue and Gold room.

Inside he heard voices -- Betty's mostly.

"Because Cheryl is being a major bitch, we'll be down man power for tonight." Betty said.

Peter knocked on the door -- this gained their attention. Betty turns seeing Peter's confused expression. Inside was Betty, Kevin, and Veronica.

"Man power for what?" Peter asks.

Kevin gasped, "You haven't heard?"

Peter shakes his head.

"You know Betty and I have been planning to save Pop's," Veronica said.

Peter nods, "Right. You mentioned it." He said.

Betty gives both her best friend and Peter a confused look, "Since when did you two talk?" She asks.

Peter was standing by the door. Veronica was sitting in a chair -- her glance went from Peter to Betty. Kevin was leaning against the desk, while Betty was standing next to Veronica.

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