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Veronica entered her dinning room to notice her parents talking among themselves

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Veronica entered her dinning room to notice her parents talking among themselves. Earlier this evening she had ran into Archie and he explained his dad's issues -- and despite being broken up, she wanted to help.

"Hiram, was that a Spiffany's bag I saw coming through the lobby earlier today? It looked about the right size for a Galmerge egg." Hermione said.

Hiram eyes his wife, "That depends, mi amore." He grins at her, "Have you been naughty or nice this year?"

Veronica sits down, looking at her parents and rolls her eyes. Sure, she was content that they were a "family" again but still the flirty stuff was gross.

"Don't worry, mi hija. Santa has your list, too. And please, don't go snooping for the gifts this year. He hates that." Hiram said turning his attention to his daughter.

"Santa can rip up my list for all I care. I mean, look at us, throwing money away on bejeweled eggs like we're a family of Russian oligarchs when there are people in this town who can't even pay their own medical bills." Veronica said.

Hermione glanced at her daughter, "Since when are you a communist?" She asks.

"Since Archie told me that he and his dad are drowning in Fred's medical bills. To the tune of eight thousand dollars. Which is why I was thinking-," Veronica was cut off.

"Absolutely not," Hiram said.

Hermione shakes her head, "Sweetheart, that's a lot of money." She said.

"The Lodge Charitable Trust has made its donations for the fiscal year. Fred Andrews will have to tighten his belt." Hiram said to Veronica.

"Said Ebenezer Scrooge," Veronica said looking at her dad, "Fred's selling Christmas trees just for some extra cash- that's the kind of man- the kind of father he is."

Hiram nods and then says, "You know, I believe I've some work to finish in my study."

And just then Hiram up and left the dinning room to go to his study. Veronica watched her father leave and then met the gaze of her mother.


Peter was doing some homework in his room -- when he heard a knock at his door. The door opened before he could reject it. Stepping in was May.

"Hey," She says, "I've been looking for you today."

Peter just looked at his text book, "When over to Ned's for a bit." He said.

May sighs and nods, "Yeah, I had called his house when you didn't answer me." She said.

Peter frowns and then puts his stuff down on his bed, "I don't know what you want me to say, mom?"

He looks at his mom. Finally he had looked at his mom since he had interrupted some sexual moment between her and his father.

"Peter," May said, "We have to talk about it."

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