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Jughead, Betty, and her mom -- Alice was waiting for FP to be released

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Jughead, Betty, and her mom -- Alice was waiting for FP to be released. Betty managed to have convinced her mom to allow her mom to drive her and Jughead to pick up his dad. Sure, she and Jughead aren't together, but it doesn't mean she doesn't care about it.

The door buzzes -- they hear indistinct chatter over the radios of the guards, some mild chuckling. Alice crossed her arms on her chest -- muttering how this is a bad idea. Another door buzzes and standing out in the open is FP.

"Dad," Jughead smiles.

Betty has a smile on her face as the son rushed over to his dad. The two embrace -- it was sweet. When they part, FP glances at Betty.

"Ah, Betty. Hello." FP said.

Betty kept the smiles, "Hi, Mr Jones."

Jughead and FP walked over to the Cooper women. Alice was close to her car -- giving FP a disgusted look.

"Alice," FP said

"Is it true what they say about men who have just been released from prison, FP?" She asks eyeing him.

FP smirks, "What do they say?" He asks.

Alice rolls her eyes, "That they're incredibly sexually frustrated." She said.

Betty got angry, "Mom!" Betty exclaims.

Alice glanced at her daughter, "What?"

Jughead just shakes his head.

The four all enter the car --The Cooper women were in the front seat whereas Alice had made the Jones boys sit in the back.

"Seat belts, Betty." Alice said glancing at her daughter.

Afterwards, Alice began to pull out and back onto the road -- in the direction of the town. The car was silent for a while, mostly due to the tension between the two families.

"The Black Hood is targeting sinners, so, I'd watch my back if I were you, FP, especially once you re-join that gang of hoodlums." Alice said while glancing through her rear-view mirror.

"The Serpents aren't," FP said, "And I'm not going back to the Serpents, Alice."

This caught both Jughead and Betty off guard -- Jughead mostly, had expected his father to come back and take back the crown of Serpent King.

"I thought a lot about this while I was in Shankshaw and I'm done with Serpent life. It's gonna be one last ride for my boy and I. But, it's too much of a slippery slope for me." FP said.

Jughead glanced at his dad, "The Serpents need you, dad." He said.

Betty glanced back, "Jughead needs you, Mr Jones." She said.

Alice glanced back through her rear-view mirror, "And what, pray tell, will you be doing with all of your extra time, FP?" She asks.

"I saw a "Help Wanted" sign in the window," FP said as they drove pass Pop's, "Thought I'd talk to Pop about picking up some shifts."

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