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"People of Riverdale, I have rid this town of the drug-dealing child-killer and others like him

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"People of Riverdale, I have rid this town of the drug-dealing child-killer and others like him. Now, you must choose your fate. The next hours will be a test. And I will be watching you very closely. Show me you are pure of heart, and my work ends. Continue to sin, and I will take up the sword again."

Betty had read aloud the letter in the newspaper. She let out a frustrated sigh.

"I thought I'd finally outsmarted him, Jug." Betty said, "The Black Hood- by having Mr Phillips arrested, I thought I was saving his life, but instead-,"

Jughead, who was sitting at the table looked at his ex girlfriend. He was a bit shocked to see her come over that morning. He didn't expect it really. She wanted to talk to him -- and to be honest, they worked well in their Nancy Drew case.

"Hey, Betty, Phillips didn't deserve what happened to him, but he was-." Jughead was cut off.

"A high school teacher dealing drugs," She said.

"I mean, Betty if it-," He was again cut off.

"And how the hell did the Black Hood even get into the Sheriff's Station? I mean, unless he-." Betty stopped talking when he eyes widen.

"What? What is it?" Jughead asks.

Betty shakes her head, "No- it's too crazy." She said.

Before Jughead could say anything -- his phone rang. He picked it up. Great -- it was Penny Peabody. That snake calling in to cash in her favor.

Betty stood a little bit away from Jughead a bit confused. She noticed his expression changed, and then he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

When he got off the phone -- she heard him sigh.

"Jug?" Betty asks.

Jughead turns to her, "Oh, it's nothing-,"

Betty wanted to believe that, but chances are -- it was Serpent related. She doesn't know much what he is doing which worried her.

"Oh," She said.

Jughead grabs his leather jacket and turns to Betty, "Might want to head out," He said, "Or you'll be late."


As Peter and Veronica were heading into school -- the two bantered together. Veronica had overheard about Toni and his break up, and from what she could tell -- he was handling it well.

"Wait- why did you break up?" She asks, "I liked Toni."

Peter shrugs, "We weren't each other's soulmate." He said.

Veronica eyes Peter, "Oh and who do you think your soulmate is?" She asks nudging him.

Peter lets out a laugh, "I'm sixteen, Veronica. I don't think I know where I'll be after I graduate." He said.

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