Start from the beginning

"What's so funny about what I said?" Rae asked pretending to be angry at him.

The laughter quickly died as it was replaced with his favorite frown.

"Rae, the flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all." Jorkallun said looking up at the stars.


Turning his head to face her, he lifted up his hand and caress her cheek, he smiled. "Meaning you are like a flower waiting to bloom, but I can't be the one to make that happen. Everyone has his or her soulmates, in their lifetime, you just have to be patient, because when it comes, it will bloom, and when it blooms, it will be the most rare and beautiful amongst all." Jorkallun said then withdraw his hand and the smile was gone. Rae wanted to grab his hand and put it on her cheek, but she couldn't as Jorkallun continue. "The first day I saw you in school, I was drawn to you, because you weren't scared of me and even spoke back at me. I was happy you did so and that was why I had allowed you to sit with me, not because of you beating the vice principal but because you reminded me of myself. I then realized why I was drawn to you was because you reminded me a lot of my late younger sister. I see you as my younger sister Rae." Jorkallun said.

Rae felt her heart breaking into tiny pieces as she heard Jorkallun, covering up her crestfallen face with a bright smile.

"So what happened to your sister?" Rae asked.

"She died years back, she killed herself." Jorkallun replied.

"Why would she kill herself?"

"She caught her soulmate with someone and that left her devastated, he ran away with the other girl and my sister couldn't bear the pain it caused her, by her mate rejecting her, she killed herself. I traced that idiot and kill him together with the fool." Jorkallun said.

"I am so sorry about that."

"That's okay, it's all in the past now." Jorkallun said.

"I don't know if my grandma will forgive me for raising my voice on her." Rae said.

"Don't worry Rae, she will. All I want to say is that you should listen to your grandmother, maybe what she is hiding from you might be dangerous or might put her to death." Jorkallun said. "She may tell you now, but are you ready to know the secret?"

"I am afraid of hearing out the secret she hides, what if it will endanger me."

"You don't have to be afraid Rae, you have an elder brother now, I won't allow any harm to come to you."

"I will bear that in mind Jorkallun, I am glad I have a dragon as my brother…." It hurt her when she uttered the word 'brother'. "....who will always protect me from danger."

"Yes, and not only me, you have the backing of the whole Dragon kingdom, one of these days, I will take you to my kingdom." Jorkallun said, getting up to his feet, he held out his hand to Rae who grab it and get up. Walking a few feet away from the edge of the mountain, they stopped.

"I should take you home, your grandmother will be worried sick by now."

Rae nodded her head.

"I am so glad you came looking for me." Rae said with a smile. "You should smile more, it makes you more handsome."

"I will carry that in mind Rae." Jorkallun reply with a brief smile which melted Rae's heart, without wasting much time he transformed into his red dragon.

The dragon opened his claws and waited until Rae had entered it, he lifted his claws, hovering it over his huge head and gently placed her there. He roared into the night and flew.

The Forbidden love ( The Ultimate Sacrifice) Where stories live. Discover now