Sunglasses After Dark - Necromantic2112

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TitleSunglasses After Dark

Author: Necromantic2112

Genre: Fantasy/Werewolf

Summary: Twisted fate lumping twin unfortunate souls together in their pursuit for the good life, one which is worth holding onto tightly as the lover it unwittingly tethered tight through hardship, scarred flesh and new tattoos; pleasure found in unlikely places while a wild child comes of age under the tutelage of an unusually talented bruiser . A tale of macabre forbidden love foretold by a good witch of fallen grace and the gathering of hybrid mongrels seeking to chain their pure blooded king to their terrible cause at the request of a creature once too many times mistaken for a deity blessed by a strange duality.

My view:

 I found the descriptions to be vivid and interesting, buy occasionally they were a little too informative  anf felt just slightly unnatural. But this was only occasionaly, overal the descriptions were pretty good in comparison to a lot of others that I've read.

The paragraphs and page lengths are more than a little intimidating, so much so that I found myself blanching slightly at the sight of them. I reccomend shortening both - not by much, but by enough.

Really, really nice idea for a story, one that I've never seen before - very, very unique. I enjoyed reading this!

 Out of ten? Seven.

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