I Am: The Butterfly Girl - TheMarauder_77

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Title: I Am: The Butterfly Girl

Author: TheMarauder_77

Genre: Romance/Teen Fiction

Summary: None.

My view:

With no summary to work with, I found it difficult to get into the story without knowing what direction it was going in. Upon starting to read it, I found out – obviously – that it was Romance and Teen Fiction. But that was all I had to go on. Every book needs a summary, even if you have to bribe the Wattpadians for help with the offer of a fan or dedication.

There were a few spelling mistakes here and there, but the vocabulary use was good and strong. One thing that I found that irritated me was when the dialogue and how they spoke separated. It should be like this:

“So far this story is okay!” I said with a ‘meh’ …


“So far this story is okay!”

I said with a ‘meh’ …

See? It irritates the hell out of me when author’s do this! I understand not putting in two or three sentences straight after the dialogue, but you should be keeping the dialogue and how they said the dialogue on one line and then start the next piece of dialogue or actions on the next paragraph.

I think that the writing tone is the right amount of informal, being casual and not overly mellow. Instead, I find myself reading the works of an author who knows how to make the character likeable and realistic.

I found the chemistry between Drake and the MC to be interesting - and I liked it. I thought it had some good potential later on in the book. 

I enjoyed what I read of this and think that, with a little editing, adding this here, that there, fixing this, fixing that, it could be amazing.

Out of ten? Five.

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