His Dark Side - RahniaForever

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Title: His Dark Side

Author: RahniaForever

Genre: Teen Fiction/Mystery

Summary: Evelyn Carter is a lonely, self centered girl but the loneliness doesn’t bother her, the helpless girl in her dreams does. When she befriends a gorgeous stranger her life will change forever. But despite the stranger’s charm there is something else about him that she just can’t figure out. On the other hand, Eric Clarke has lots of secrets he keeps to himself. He stays quiet and hidden. No one really knows who he is, all they know is his name. He doesn’t like socializing but that will have to change when one day he finds Evelyn Carter at his door step. She is determined to find the hidden secrets of his mysterious past. But Eric Clarke is determined not to reveal His Dark Side.

My view:

In this story, I find myself enjoying the fact that the character seems to be constantly questioning herself and those around her. Perhaps it’s because I’m biased because I do the same thing, but I like to see a character who’s not too self-assured and a know it all. I think that it includes the reader more into the story. So that they can ponder the questions worrying at the MC’s mind as well, so that they may attempt to unfold the threaded fabrics of the mystery.

I love that this writer keeps the paragraphs short and not endless like a lot of author’s do – which bugs me to no end! I mean seriously? My eyes actually start to strain painfully before I’ve even finished the second or third paragraphs!

So I was pleased that this is so easy to read – even if the first few lines shouldn’t be stand-alone lines, they should be put together to form a beginning paragraph. In my opinion.

Otherwise, the writing is very good, creative and enticing, drawing the reader in – I found this to be a great read and would recommend it to others.

Out of ten? Seven.

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