Amnesia - XxItsSashaxX

315 11 2

Title: Amnesia

Author: XxItsSashaxX

Genre: Short Story/Romance

Summary: A short story about an unforgettable love.

My view:

I won't lie. Despite being only a page long, there's simply so much emotion in this story that I actually felt myself very close to tears.

Painfully sweet and realistic, this short but brilliantly written story definitely has my vote. It's not the best written piece I've seen and I know I tend to focus a lot more on the writing than the plot itself but let's change that for this story.

Because this beautiful story is so touching and heartbreaking, despite it's length, that I highly reccomend it to anyone out there. It's only a page long and such a fantastic idea - it surely deserves many more views, comments and votes.

If this were to go into Watty Awards, I feel that it could get far.

Out of ten? Nine.

Wattpad ReviewsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora