A Kiss On The Cheek - Nivster

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Title: A Kiss On The Cheek

Author: Nivster

Genre: Short Story/Non-Teen Fiction

Summary: She sees him with another woman. Is it really an affair as she thinks?

My view:

This author is confident when she writes, you can easily tell from the way that she conveys the emotions within easily, the first chapter of this short story.

You can’t help feeling sorry for this MC, Beth. It’s every woman’s worst nightmare to catch her husband or boyfriend with another woman. I suppose there are quite a few strong, feminist women out there, scoffing as they read this but it’s true. When you fall in love and they break your heart, it must be the most painful thing you’ve ever experienced.

Well. Unless you know, you got hit by a car or something… then I’m sure that pain’s likely to win over.

But me? I’ve never been in love so I can’t say whether this is the same for me, all I can give you is my opinion and what I think. Which is why you’re here, right?

But anyway, I thought this story was very emotion-provoking and I just felt utter pity for the MC for having to go through such a horrible thing.

Now, there’s only one problem I have with this story. And only one so far, since not a lot has been posted… and it’s something I’ve mentioned before.

Capitalization where it’s not needed. Don’t writers understand how hugely irritating this is? I literally makes me want to pick up my laptop and throw it across the room.

Please, don’t use unnecessary capitalization. USE ITALICS.

See how annoying that is? I should have just said, use italics. Simples.

Out of ten? Six.

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