{ Goodbye, Stepbrother }

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So, the day has finally come where I must say goodbye...

But before that, let me tell you another shorter story. I promise this will not be 56 chapters long, ahaha.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

So, at the beginning of my journey with writing this book, I actually thought about deleting it or discontinuing it. Because, two of my closest friends who promised to support my books didn't even bother to read the summary of the story.

That really sucked for me, as someone who just started writing and had zero confidence in it. I actually considered deleting this book and quitting writing in general. Because I thought I was so bad at writing no one even wanted to read the summary.

But then, one faithful day, a literal angel came into my life via text messages and we got to talking. They said they'll check out my book and they didn't only check my book out but they ended up reading, voting and commenting on every single chapter. And that really lifted my spirits up. So, dear person (you know who you are), I love you and I'm so fucking thankful for your endless support and I think you saved this book's future?? So, just, thank you💜🥦

One of the people who I mentioned in the start did read my book, for awhile lmao, but that's all I needed. Honestly.
I understand that I can't force people to read this book, but in my defense, I was new to this and they promised me, promised me, to read it. Yet, they didn't, so maybe I also expected too much?

Moral of the story: Don't give up. Honestly, giving up on anything isn't worth it, especially if it feels like this is your calling and this is what you want to do. Never let someone's opinion or someone's lack of opinion bother you! Just keep doing what you're doing and maybe you'll get the same support and constructive criticism from someone, like I did.

I hope you do!💜

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Okay, back to my goodbye speech...

Honestly, it's going to be hard to let this book go. It's gonna be hard to switch the "completed" button on. It's gonna be hard to say goodbye to the world I built for this book. It's going to be hard to say goodbye to the characters of this story. And it's going to be hard to see some of you, my readers, leave.

All I honestly want to say is thank you. Thank you a thousand times! No, a million billion gazillion times?!

I couldn't have imagined 59K reads on this booklet, ever! And it even shocks my parents when I tell them, ahaha!!

I'd also like to thank those who stayed with me through the hard and easy times. Like, when I took that break from writing because of personal reasons... it was so nice to hear that you guys understood! You're all very nice people and I wish nothing but the very best upon all of you 💜

I hope you all could follow me on my journeys in my next book... but I understand that even if I write one book you enjoy it doesn't mean that you will follow me to the next one.

It's just saddening, because I'll really miss you guys. No, not the numbers. But YOU.  I usually reply to comments, not only because I'm lonely lol, but also because I just want to get to know my readers and what they like and dislike about my story. Then I'll compromise and write something I think you all would like...

And to those who have voted and commented on every chapter, you know who you are ;) , I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! COME HERE AND GIVE ME A HUGE HUG 💜💜💜



Anygay, yes gay, I can't prove to you how thankful I am, just know I am very grateful. Also, you're just going to have to believe me when I say I actually fell in love with all of my readers I noticed frequently being kind and supportive

You guys, as cliché as it sounds, made the bad days hurt less! Seriously!

But now, it's time to say bye bye to Stepbrother and for the last time in this book ever...

Thank you.

-Your loyal friend, Chu

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