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k.th :

A few days have passed from the whole... shit show... Jungkook and I went through that one day. I've been avoiding him ever since, my reasons being: I don't want to cry in front of him and I don't want to have an awkward talk between us, it just seems unnatural. Plus; I'm not ready to tell him the reason of why I confessed, again, just for him to reject me again.

I'd love, more than anything, to pour my heart out to him, but it seems impossible for me. I'd love to be honest and tell him I'm sorry for being cold towards him for awhile now, but I still feel hurt. I doubt he even wants to hear what I have to say.

We've been hanging out with our shared friend group separately, which they noticed very early on, as Jungkook and I are often clingy towards each other. Inseparable.

The friend group was otherwise healthy or "back to normal" as some would say, with the exception of Jungkook and I; Namjoon and Jin are happy together, Jimin and Yoongi are happy together, and Jisoo can't shut up about Miss Kim.

Although my friends could often distract me from whatever problem I was having, Jungkook's rejection was really taking a tole on me, I often skipped meals because of the harsh truth that Jungkook didn't see me in a romantic way. That simple fact was eating me inside, making me feel empty, and sick at the same time.

My eyes were reflecting my thoughts and emotions, too. They were often full of life, always a healthy brown, but after the incident that occurred a few days ago, they were drained from all the liveliness they used to hold and the healthy brown is more like a depressing gray now. I had dark circles beneath my washed eyes too, they were marks from my sleepless nights thinking about Jungkook and what mistakes I made while confessing. I am truly curious of what went wrong.

Although all of our friends were worried about us, Jimin was the one that cared the most. He was beyond confused, to say the least, when Jungkook and I didn't turn up to school as a couple the next day after the confessions. I assume they don't know the truth, Jungkook wouldn't tell them, right?

Speaking of the youngest; Jungkook tried to talk to me or get my attention countless of times, maybe out of pity or quilt, as I am sure he doesn't actually want to talk to me. I often answered his conversation starters, that were often questions, with a few simple words. If he'd ask how was I doing I'd answer with a simple, yet sarcastic, phrase: "Shit.", and leave the room.

As I was thinking of the past few days I've lived without hanging out with Jungkook I couldn't help but miss him. I still cared about him deeply, I still wanted him to love me even though I was hurting from his actions, maybe he's a drug I simply can't resist.

Jungkook is the most precious boy I've ever met, and when I said he was my priority, I meant it, and I still do, even if he hurts me in the future. I still love him and I'm not one to take vengeance on others. To secure he's 100% safe in school, without a dickhead on his tail, I'm teaming up with Miyoung to permanently get rid of the prick who tried to kill Kookie. What sick fuck thinks they can treat my baby like that and get away with it? Park Cheolmin, apparently, but he's about to get what he deserves.

I was sitting in the police office with Miyoung, she seemed happy that I finally "caught" the bad guy, like some kind of superhero, even though I've known since the hospital visit, and I've been equally as violent... Well maybe not equally, but still violent. I took a video of him threatening Kookie, as evidence for the police primarily, before I jumped in and saved the youngest from whatever the bastard was going to do to him.

"Miss. Jeon?", A police came up to Miyoung and shook her hand. "Yes, that would be me.", She smiled sweetly as she shook the police man's hand, her excitement not vanishing for a second. "We've interrogated Park Cheolmin and interviewed your son, and it seems that the evidence and both of their stories match the incidents.", The police handed Miyoung a file, she flipped through eagerly not missing any important information.

𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 || taekookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora