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💕Trigger Warning: Fluffy Cuteness💕

k.th :

Jungkook and I were walking hand in hand from Jimin's house. We had just said goodbye to Areum, Yoongi, Hoseok and a very depressed Jimin, after helping them with their chores, so now we were headed home.

You might be wondering why do they need help with their chores and other errands. Simple, Jimin is mourning his grandfather while being busy with school. Yoongi is busy with school, his job and comforting Jimin. Hoseok helps us with the things around the house, but sometimes he's off dancing at the studio he works at. Areum is working her ass off at work and trying to get a promotion we all hope she'll get, she deserves it after all.

I have a job as a photographer, yes, but only when they call me in to take photos. Otherwise I'm as free as a bee, if bees are free that is...

Jungkook doesn't have much to do either, he's just off with his study books if I don't bug him with hugs and kisses (which he oftentimes leaves his books for). Even though he's been spending less time studying, he has been getting even better grades and remarks from his teachers, which is astonishing.

"Tae?", Jungkook suddenly asked. I hummed, as a sign for him to continue. "Could we maybe not go home... and instead have a date or something...", He shyly asked, his cheeks growing pink. I had stopped walking in the middle of the road and looked at Jungkook flashing him a huge boxy smile and nodding frantically. "Yes! Of course! You don't even have to ask!", I pulled him closer kissing his nose and smiling even wider.

Jungkook giggled in my grasp. "Don't be a pussy!", He teased, connecting our lips together. My grip loosened on him from, the euphoria of the moment. His hands tangled around the back of my head, as he was raking his fingers through bundles of my hair. My hands made their way to his hips. I leaned on the fence, that blocked off the park. Jungkook pressed me against it lightly, the metal pressing onto me.

"What have I done to deserve such an amazing and gorgeous person, like you?", I asked in a whisper after I disconnected our lips for awhile, before pressing them back on to Jungkook's. "You've been my hero.", Jungkook smiled sweetly, kissing me again.

Our lips mixed with each other, the tastes of his as sweet as sugar. The way our lips moved was in sync and there wasn't a moment where something could've gotten old. Jungkook's hands moved from the back of my head to my cheeks, he caressed his thumb on the surface making me smile into the kiss. There was something oddly artistic about our moment.

After awhile of continuing our sweet moment I pulled away, upon hearing odd noises in the park. I gripped Jungkook tighter, pulling him closer to me. Jungkook's eyes fluttered open upon the act and he looked up at me in confusion, his eyes glistening in the twilight, as I looked around us wearily. "What's wrong Tae?", He asked, a sweet tone coating his words. He started worriedly looking around into the dimming night, gripping my jacket tighter.

"It's probably nothing, thought I heard some odd noises... let's go somewhere else?", I suggested with a chuckle. Jungkook nodded smiling at my suggestion. I took his hand and continued to walk off to where I wanted to bring him. "So, where do you want to go?", I asked fondly, wanting to take in Jungkook's opinions and wants before bringing him somewhere.

"Let's do something fun! Like not a fancy restaurant, because that's cliché and I don't like going to fancy places... I'm always afraid of embarrassing myself in fancy places.", Jungkook giggled, shaking his head, "Let's go to the arcade or something..."

"I like the sound of that. What do you think about the fair instead of the arcade? 'Cuz at the fair you cannot only play games, like in an arcade, but you can also ride the rides and eat all you want and see the flashy colorful lights!", I suggested, excitement in my tone.

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