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Trigger Warning: Death, Yoonmin focus

m.yg :

Sobbing. My hero and my baby, my love and my everything was sobbing. A hyperventilating Jimin fell on to his knees in an act of pure disbelief, shock and grief. Jimin scratched his soft baby-like knees on the pavement, I ran after him and knelt down to scoop him up in my arms.

He instantly held onto me and dug his face into the fold of my arm, yelling out in pain. His heart was obviously aching and I didn't know how to fix it, which in my opinion was the worst part.

"Shhh... baby calm down, we'll figure this out, together.", I pet him on the head, I knew this wouldn't calm him down, but I wanted him to know I was there for him. "I'm here for you, okay. Forever and for always...", I muttered into his temple, as I kissed it lightly.

I ended up carrying him inside the house, which I didn't mind, my family and Taekook following closely behind us. My family was more than concerned, and Taehyung held a crying Jungkook, while fighting his own tears.

I sat Jimin down on the sofa and looked him in the eyes, crouching down in front of my beautiful angel. He had his head held low as he sniffled and cried, small sobs escaping from his lips as he tried breathing normally.

A few minutes pass, and by a few I mean an hour, and Jimin has calmed down. Although it might have taken a bit of time, you need to give Jimin a break! His grandpa might be in a very bad condition and we don't know anything about it, yet. Jimin was sitting on my lap breathing normally now, not hyperventilating anymore, thank god. He was hiccuping and sniffling but he wasn't crying too much, his eyes were red, bloodshot and puffy.

"So what happen-ed?", Jimin gulped, as a huge lump was threatening to form in his throat, raising tears in his eyes. His voice has groggy from crying. A tray tear rolled down his cheek and I was quick to kiss it away, noticing Taehyung and Jungkook were holding hands from the side of my eye.

"We were u-unpacking the groceries like you told us to... and then your grandpa yelled from the living room and we went in there and he had fallen from his chair a-a-and he was g-grasping for air and h-holding his chest and we panicked and decided to call an ambulance before waiting for you to come home, Jimin, and w-we are so so so sorry! T-this was- I'm sorry!", Jungkook burst out crying, in panic, digging his face into Taehyung's chest, as the older hugs Jungkook tightly and sniffles against his raven hair, crying as well.

They're such babies, I must protect these three.

Taehyung always had a soft spot for elderly people, once he stopped the whole friend group in the middle of the street to help an elderly woman cross the street. We missed a small snippet of our movie we were late for in the first place, but we couldn't be mad at Taehyung. He was just helping an old citizen and his golden heart was telling him the right things, although he knew he had somewhere to be and that he'd let a few people down. We all pitched in and bought him ice cream for being such a sweetheart, especially Jungkook, he payed the most.

Jimin nodded, got up from my lap and walked up to Taehyung and Jungkook, hugging the two tightly. Taehyung and Jungkook opened their hug and let Jimin into it. "Thank you, for calling help. Don't blame yourselves, and don't apologize. This could've happened to anybody...", Jimin sniffled, tightening the group hug.

"We love you Jimin... and if w-we can help with anything l-let us know...", Jungkook sobbed, he often stuttered when he cried. "Please don't hate us!", Taehyung added, still sobbing. "I love you guys more. And I could never hate you!", Jimin sniffled, still gripping the two boys tightly.

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