{ 17 }

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j.jk :

My morning went by fast, after breakfast I played a bunch of video games all day long, so I was in a good mood. "Kookie?", My mother hummed as she walked past me and into the hallway. "Yeah?", I replied quickly, still focusing primarily on my game.

"I'm going to visit Yoohan in his work, he forgot his lunch. Then I'll go to the store, do you need anything?", She asked sweetly while peeking at me from behind the wall separating the hallway and living room. "No thanks mom, how long will you be gone?", I asked...for no reason in particular. "About two to three hours, I might go shopping you see.", She grinned mischievously. "Take things easy while I'm gone, I don't want you to get hurt.", She warned me and opened the door after whipping her hand bag on her shoulder. "Yeah, take your time!", I yelled before she could close the door. "I will, bye!", I heard the door slam shut and the room fell silent.

I switched my game off and laid down on the couch on my back, I stretched my arms out towards the ceiling and investigated my hands. Hands are weird.

Suddenly I heard the door unlock and I thought it was my mom whom forgot something. I pulled my hands back down and turned to look at a smiley Taehyung. "How are you holding up?", He asked me as he took a seat at the end of the couch where my feet were laying. "Fine.", I huffed and smiled. "Do you need anything?", He asked me, you could feel the worry and love radiating from this boy. "Today's homework.", I chuckled. Taehyung laughed a bit, but shook his head. "Relax, be my patient for today, take things easy.", He calmed me down. I nodded slowly, did I even understand what relaxing was? When was the last time I relaxed? Gee it's been a long time...

"Do you like tea?", Taehyung suddenly turned around to ask me. "Tea to drink or gossip.", I smirked. Taehyung rolled his eyes. "To drink, silly.", He chuckled. "In that case, yes.", I finally gave him an answer that made sense. Taehyung got up from the couch and went to the kitchen.


m. yg:

I heard the doors bell ring and footsteps approaching the front desk. "Welcome to book worms how may I help you?", I said in a slightly monotoned voice. "I'm here to pick you up.", The familiar voice chuckled.

I shot my gaze up at the mysterious person and realized it was my cousin, Hoseok. His smile was one of the most genuine smiles in this world that could make anyone feel better if they were having a bad day. "Hey Hobi.", I smiled and threw my backpack onto my shoulder. "Bye Lisa!!!", I screamed into the staff room and walked out the door, trying to catch up with Hoseok. We didn't have a ride. So we had to go on foot. It's good that Hoseok is an interesting person.

"How was your day?", He asked suddenly, while sliding his hands into his jackets pocket. "It's going to be shit...", I sighed heavily and he nodded as he understood what I was hinting at.
"Yeah... he's been home all day...", Hoseok's breath hitched a bit and I grit my teeth, just thinking about that bastard made me sick.

"Any good news in your life?", I looked up at my cousin as he chuckled. "I mean... I'm thinking about quitting retail and becoming a dance teacher...", He trailed off. "What? That's amazing!", I suddenly got exited, clapping my hands like a five year old in a toy store. "I'm not sure if I'm even gonna get the job.", He shrugged disappointedly. "No! You'll get it. I'm sure of it. You're too good!", I scolded him for thinking less of himself. He just sighed and shook his head 'no'.

The rest of our journey home went by fast as we lived close to the store and we had a lot of topics to talk about. We stopped at the front door and shut our mouths. We were afraid to breath as we looked at each other with confused looks. I leaned on the door to listen what was happening inside. Nothing. I leaned back and nodded to Hoseok. He opened the door with caution and as minimum sound as he could make.

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