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k.th :

"He talks a lot about himself...", I observed. Jin, Namjoon and Jisoo turned to look at me. "Jimin?", Jisoo guessed in confusion. "Yeah, like a loooot.", I exaggerated. "That's just his image, he's actually a sweetheart on the inside.", Jin reassured me and I gave my friend a nod.

We continued talking about random stuff while we ate slowly, till Jisoo and I realized that our class was starting in 15 minutes. "We're going.", I announced to Jin and Namjoon, while Jisoo and I were packing our stuff. "Now I get to have Joonie~ all to myself.", Jin smirked as he wrapped his arms around Namjoon's neck.

"Don't fuck each other while we're gone.", Jisoo winked at a smirking Jin and a blushing Namjoon. "I can't promise anything.", Jin looked into Namjoon's eyes suggestively and the situation got awkward for Jisoo and I.

"Ok! We're actually leaving now, goodbye!", I grabbed Jisoo's hand and dragged her out of the cafeteria.

We were waiting in front of the chemistry class and the air felt tight in our awkward silence. "What's up with you and Jungkook?", Jisoo asked while she was eyeing her manicure. "What do you mean?", I huffed in fake amusement. She crossed her arms and turned to look at me with a smirk. Jisoo knew me very well and she probably saw right through my fake ass smile.

"Come on Tae! What's up with the heart eyes? And the smile you always stick onto your face when you see Jungkook? What all that about?", She lost her cool and almost started screaming. "Shh! Nothing! Absolutely nothing!", I shushed her. "Why are you shushing me if it's "nothing", huh?", She smirked, arms crossed.

Actually, what was my heart telling me? Jisoo had a point. I was feeling extremely light, carefree and happy around Jungkook, could I be developing something? No, I can't. It's just brotherly love... stepbrother love... it's not like we're biologically relat- NO! I need to shrug that idea out of my mind!

"Because...uhhh...", I tried lying, but eventually gave up because Jisoo could see through any of my lies, no matter how believable to others.

"Look, I don't know! My heart is tugging me towards him and his embrace, but my mind is saying that it's fucked up! My mind is also saying: "go for it! What's the worst that could happen?"! I'm so confused Jisoo! Help me!", I broke down in front of Jisoo, but at least she was someone I trusted. I knew she wouldn't judge me.

I slid down the white wall into a fetus position while I tugged my brunette hair between my fingers.  Jisoo kneeled down onto my level and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Tae, I know that this is confusing to you... Hell, it's confusing for me too! But if I may; I suggest you take things slow and try to figure out what your mind is telling you.", She told me in a serious tone. Jisoo's advise helped me, they always help me. "What do you see in Jungkook?", She continued.

That's a good question, what do I see in Jungkook? I thought for a second till I could answer, truthfully.

"He's just so sweet and shy and cute and adorable and all I want to do is hug him tightly and never let him go, because he gives me reassurance and comfort.", I covered my face into my palms.

"Tae, you've only known him for... three day? So don't rush this. You can feel these things, it's perfectly normal, just don't let your feelings take over.", Jisoo took a seat beside me to hug me. "Thank you, mother.", I sniffed into my palms, which made my voice muffled. "You're welcome, son.", She chuckled and wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

Chemistry went fine, I didn't really learn anything. Jisoo helped me with the chemical reactions, cause I was scared. Although she won't admit it Jisoo's very smart. Our last class was physics, Jisoo felt sick at the end of class so we called Jin to give us rides home.

𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 || tae.kookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora