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"Taehyung wakeup!", I could hear my father's voice loud and clear in my right ear and I could feel my father's hands shake me awake. "What the fuck.", I grunted in frustration as I was seeing a pleasant dream that was interrupted by someone rudely waking me up.

"Get dressed and eat breakfast. We're moving today, remember?", He chirped excitedly. I grunted, yet again, and got up as my father backed away.

I waddled into the bathroom to brush my teeth and somewhat comb my hair. I took my toothbrush with me to my room and shoved it with my toothpaste tube into a plastic bag and into my suitcase after I was done brushing my teeth.

I changed into a floppy short sleeved hoodie that I pulled over my shirt I was already wearing and wiggled into a pair of black jeans. I inspected myself in the mirror, I was feeling confident about my outfit choice. I shoved my sweatpants into the suitcase and closed it. I took a good last look at my room and left it for good. I will not miss that place.

I entered the kitchen and placed my suitcase and camera bag in front of the empty fridge. I saw a piece of burnt toast on a paper plate. It was on top of the counter as the table had already been brought to the junkyard, probably.

I ate the piece of unappetizing toast for breakfast as I glanced at the clock on my phone while chewing my half charred toast 9:30am.

"Are you done?", My father asked as he tapped his foot on the floor impatiently. I nonchalantly hummed in response. He nodded, as his smile got wider every other minute and left the apartment with a suitcase he was dragging behind him.

I followed his lead out by gripping the handle of my suitcase and hanging the strap of my camera bag onto my shoulder as I left the really shitty apartment I had lived in for 3 years. I was glad to leave that dump, I didn't really have any good memories there, just bad ones.

I helped my father pack the suitcases into the trunk of his old black Toyota he'd owned for ages now. I closed the trunk with a huge crash as the two pieces of metal hit each other.

I still had my camera bag on my shoulder, as I didn't want my expensive equipment to shatter into pieces while two massive suitcases crash into it. I couldn't afford a new set of these things, I was broke and my father wouldn't pay for me, not even on Christmas nor my birthday.

I sat on the passenger seat and waited patiently for my father to get into the driver's seat. I placed my camera bag onto the floor between my legs again.

I sat back onto my seat as I let the idea of moving finally process in my brain. I hadn't given it a second thought when my father said we were moving. I was mad that it was Miyoung's house but I didn't want to seem ungrateful, because I really wasn't! I just don't like that woman.

I quickly remembered that I was getting a stepbrother. How old was he again? 7 or 17?What if he's actually older than I am? What if we're the same age? Wait, why do I even care?

It's not like I was gonna be besties with him. He's apparently a straight 'A' student and very smart. I am intimidated by one's intelligence sometimes. I admire it, of course, but sometimes they just make me feel really stupid and small.

My thoughts were cut off by my dad climbing into the car to sit his ass down onto the driver's sea. He slammed the door shut and started the car with a quick wrist twist. "Next up; Jeon residence!", My father announced like a train conductor and started driving.

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