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p.jm :

I was walking to the bus stop so that I could go home when my phone started vibrating in my jeans' back pocket. The text was from Yoongi.

I immediately opened the chat as I had missed my best friend for quite some time now, even though we were just in the same building a couple of minutes ago...

I wonder why was I feeling so attached all of a sudden...


Are you going to Jin's party?

Yeah 🤗
Are you?

People might not want
me there :/

Who said that?!?!
I want you there!
You're loads of fun!!!

You're only saying that cuz
you're my best friend 😂

No I'm not! FaceTime
me now! 😤😤😤


While I was texting I was multitasking by walking to the bus stop. I arrived there 6 minutes earlier, so I decided to plug in my earphones onto my phone, sit on the bench and wait patiently for Yoongi to call or for the bus to come.

Soon my phone started buzzing and the caller ID was displayed as: "MintYoongi" so I answered. "Hey!", I smiled at Yoongi who looked like he was under a blanket of some sort. "What are you doing?", I asked him while trying to get the screen to become brighter to figure out what was happening around him.

His face was quite close to the camera, which is unusual. He always says that he doesn't like it when people stare at his face, but honestly how can I not? My best friend is one of the cutest people alive!

"I took a nap...", Yoongi smiled and held  a thumbs up in front of his camera. I chuckled at his gummy smile and messy hair. Typical Yoongi. Always taking naps whenever he can.

"Did you see any good dre—", I was interrupted by a shattering sound. The loud audio was muffled a bit, so that meant that it came from the kitchen. It sounded like someone was throwing plates.

"Shit.", I barely heard Yoongi curse under his breath as he lowered the camera to his chest. Was he trying to sensor something from me?

"Yoongi what was that?", I asked. My eyebrows were narrowed and my tone was serious. I heard Yoongi's room's door open and some one say: "Clean it up.", Before slamming the door shut with full power. "Yoongi are you okay? Who was that?", I tried getting answers again, but Yoongi hanged up.

"The fuck?", I sighed and looked around me for some odd guidance I thought I could just randomly find. My eyes landed on a short grandma, she looked terrified at my dirty mouth. "Wash your mouth with soap young man!", She scoffed and left me sitting there dumbfounded as she went to another stop.

I wasn't finished with Yoongi. I wanted to make sure he was safe. I opened the chat and texted him quickly:


Wtf was that?
Answer me!
I need to know if
you're okay.
Get out of there if
you're not safe.
I'll meet you at
Jin's no buts!
I'm scared!
Answer me!
Did you die?
Istfg I'll beat the shit out
of whoever hurt you!

𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 || tae.kookKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat