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"Hey! J-dope!", one of my dance team's members yelled across the practice room.

"What's up?", I waved. "Also my performance name is J-Hope, not dope.", I continued by correcting him with my index finger up in the air. But he just rolled his eyes, not seeming to give a shit.

"Wanna party tonight at Chanyeol's?", he smiled widely. "Nah. I'm not in the mood, plus I'm recovering from that hangover I got last night at Jin's", I smiled awkwardly.

I often went to parties without thinking twice, as being "home" was more like bein in hell if I'm being honest. Besides, I am an extrovert and I like fun activities, although sometimes I go overboard... like that one time I adopted a cat when I was in a drunken state of mind.

Being at loud parties all night was better than being at "home". All the yelling, pushing, insults, degrading comments etc. really took a toll on me and are still affecting me deeply.
I almost didn't start dancing, because of the rude and unpleasant sentences I heard and believed from you know who. But a few people who I call my friends, especially a guy called Baekhyun, convinced me to at least give it a shot, and I'm glad I did.

I almost ended my life a year ago, but remembered that Yoongi and Baekhyun were there for me, so I should be there for them too. Best cousin and best best friend out there, if I do say so myself.

"Ah! Where did your partying spirit go!", My team mate yelled whilst almost pulling his purple dip dyed hair out off his scalp in the state of frustration and stress he was currently in. "Honestly, I don't know.", I sighed and started packing my stuff. "Fine... bye then!", he flashed me a forced smile, swiftly turned around on his heel and waved farewell miserably. I waved back, but kept most of my attention on packing my stuff.

After I had gotten all my stuff together I walked out the door to see Yoongi sitting on the ground; knees to his chest, hugging his legs. His usually emotionless expression was looking very grumpy this time.

"You picked me up... but in a bad mood?", I chuckled at my cousin's angry expression. "Shut up and move!", He growled lowly and got up from his fetus position, whilst dusting himself off. "Why are you so mad?", I poked my cousin's cheek as he leaned back in irritation to get away from my finger. "Are you having men's period?", I crossed my arms in front of my chest and smirked at his horrified face. "What the fuck? No!", It was Yoongi's turn to cross his arms and pout. "Well what's wrong then?", I kept teasing him in a high pitched winey voice. "Ugh! Shut up!", He growled at my teasing nature and stomped forward.

Luckily I was fast and caught up to him, I grabbed his sleeve and pulled him towards me. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry... can you please tell me what's wrong now that I've apologized?", I talked in my normal voice this time, as I didn't want to irritate the mint haired grizzly bear even more.

A long, deep, miserable sigh escaped from between Yoongi's parted lips, it seemed like he had been holding it in for awhile. "It's just... Jimin is just... he doesn't understand...", Yoongi frowned and pressed his gaze down onto the dirty gray pavement.

"I'm sorry to hear that... why don't you talk to him about it?", I tried suggesting something, to seem helpful. "I don't know how to start.", Yoongi huffed. "Write a letter to Jimin. Then you don't even have to face him when you are ready to tell him. And! It's more personalized than some lame ass message or email.", I smiled widely at my idea.

"That's a shitty idea.", Yoongi deadpanned, the insult didn't hurt me, but I wasn't about to let him get away with it. Cousin vs cousin insult wars was just about to start!

"Not as shitty as your hair color, mister toothpaste...", A sly smirk spread across my face as I eyed his mint colored hair. I ignored his shocked expression to keep my nasty comment's pride, even though I wanted to laugh my ass off. "Now let's go! I'm hungryyy!!!", I whined while pulling my cousin along from his sleeve, ignoring his grunts and whines.

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