{ 18 }

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k.th :

"W-what! No, no, no. I'm not— my singing isn't beautiful... no.", Jungkook's outburst and furious blushing made me smile. Cute.

"No seriously! You have talent.", I complimented his voice, it truly was absolutely amazing! His voice was soft and flowed perfectly out of his gentle lips. The way he controlled his voice and the way he was controlling his breathing was absolutely perfect, flawless!

"You owe me a solo.", He crossed his arms and smirked, gaining his cocky confidence again. I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily before clearing my throat and starting.

I sang a small sample of 2U, while looking everywhere else except Jungkook in the eyes. I stopped at the end of the chorus and looked back at Jungkook with doubtful eyes.

"I love you- r voice!", Jungkook was leaning in just a second ago with the support of his arms on his knees and his chin in his palms. When he suddenly stuttered for some unknown reason and straightened his back.

"Yeah, your voice... it's amazing! It's deep, I love it.", He was panicking, I could tell by the way he was trying to get comfortable, but kept switching positions. "Thank you, bunny.", I smiled and got up. "Do you wanna see something?", I asked, hoping he'd say "yes" or nod his head for reassurance.

"Yeah.", Jungkook looked down at the white fluffy carpet for awhile, he looked up at me while keeping his hands on his cheeks. I extended my hand out and Jungkook grabbed onto it. I helped him up from the sofa. He stood tall for awhile, but I could see his knees shaking. I couldn't make him walk! That would be inhumane.

I lift him up from his waist and carried him. He wrapped his legs around my sides and kept a grip on my shoulders and around my neck. "Thanks.", He chuckled behind my year, I smiled at his small voice and continued carrying him to my bedroom.

I placed him on the bed carefully and went to rummage through my drawer to find a certain book. Or rather a certain photo album. "Here it is!", I chirped happily and pulled a long slender book out on the bottom of the drawer. I sat beside Jungkook and opened it, letting the dust topple down onto my floor.

"This is me as a young kiddo.", I laughed a bit and scooted the book onto Jungkook's lap. "My mother took these pictures, she's the person whom inspired me to start photography in the first place.", I looked up at my ceiling to try and remember small memories about my mother.

She was truly an amazing person, always positive, never giving up even when she was feeling like shit, trying her best at everything, giving new things a try, taking pictures of pointless things because they made her happy and loving me and my father, maybe a bit too much.

I'm still sad about the way I lost her...

"These are beautiful.", Jungkook gasped in awe. "Thanks, I wish my mother could hear those words. She took most of these when I was three, I think.", I reminisced on the memories I had of my three year old, stress-free life.

Jungkook looked at me with hurt eyes and I shook my head. "I'm over it, let's talk about something else.", I offered and he nodded swiftly. If I was being honest, I wasn't over it, I had too many unanswered questions about her.

"I'm planning on making my own. But with my friends, my trips, maybe family and other beautiful things...", I listed a few of my photography ideas to put into my own album, that'll hopefully be a reality in the future.

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