{ 14 }

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k.th :

"We're here.", I announced and parked the car in Jin's driveway. "Wow...", Jimin gasped. "How much money do Jin's parents make?", Jungkook asked terrified. "About...
1 million every few months...each...", I smiled.

I got out first and opened the car door that Jungkook was hiding behind. I unbuckled his seatbelt and let him climb on my back. I supported his weight on my back by carrying his thighs.

I locked the car, not that anyone would steal an old Toyota in Jin's very expensive, highly guarded driveway, but just incase. I opened Jimin's door next, to see him texting. "Who you texting?", I asked trying to sound curious, but friendly. "Yoongi...", He sighed and seemed defeated. "Are you guys dating or...?", I tried guessing what they meant to each other. "They're best friends.", Jungkook muttered into my neck.

I felt his broken, but still so very soft lips brush against my skin and it instantly made goosebumps rise onto my neck.

"Maybe you should give him some space, you guys fought today right?", I asked. Jimin nodded timidly. "He needs to digest what happened. Try and text him soon, don't spam. Maybe try texting him tomorrow morning or tonight, so you guys can make up before school.", I shared advise Jin got from Jisoo one time, that girl is seriously a social genius.

Jimin got out of the car and I had to lock it, again. We walked towards the huge doors that had two security cameras on the left and right corners of the mahogany frame.

"1 million each...", Jimin repeated, he seemed very intimidated by the amount. I nodded and rang the doorbell. "Hello?", The audio of a familiar voice burst out from a small stereo on the wall. "Hey Jin. Let us in.", I smiled at the cameras, as I knew they had 24h monitor guarding on them. "Who's us?", Jin asked. "Me, Jungkook and Jimin.", I answered. "Oh! You brought guests and you didn't tell me!", He sounded hurt.

The doors opened to reveal a Jin in some comfy and expensive looking pajamas and his hair was all over the place. "You're still worldwide handsome.", I rolled my eyes at a frowning Jin.

His frown didn't last long as he started smiling midway through the compliment. "Come, come!", He pulled Jimin's and my hand inside. "Mister Lee!", Jin yelled.

Silence dawned on us.

"Mister Lee!!!", Jin yelled louder and an old butler in his swanky uniform appeared from one of the large rooms. "Wheelchair, please.", Jin only had to say a few words and the butler was off.

"What happened to you?", Jin frowned at Jungkook. "I had a small accident...", He came up with another excuse, which confirmed that he was lying to me earlier. "Oh no. Don't worry we've got an elevator and a wheelchair for you.", Jin smiled.

"So can you tell us why we're here?", I asked and lifted Jungkook up. "The Kim family has three new editions to it.", Jin's smile got wider. "You're mother gave birth to triplets?", My jaw dropped to the floor. Jungkook's and Jimin's eyes widened and they stared at Jin.

Jin started laughing in his signature windshield laugh and wiped tears from his eyes. "What the— no! My mom is a workaholic and she takes her birth control very seriously.", Jin shook his head in disbelief of my silly accusation.

It was true, Jin's parents were rarely home and they only had Jin and his older brother, but he was enrolled in some high class university, that Jin will attend too, one day. Jin was mostly home alone with his helpers, he didn't want to call them servants, because he thought it sounded disrespectful, degrading and snobby of him to call them such names.

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