{ 24 }

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k.th :

I parked the car in our driveway and before I could say anything Jungkook had already hopped out of the car, grabbed his backpack and ran to the front door. He was too fast and I couldn't catch up.

"Jungkook! You could've hurt yourself!", I scolded him trying to catch my breath, but the cute bunny just smiled. "But I'm better now! You don't have to baby me anymore.", He grinned widely. I huffed in relief and hugged him. "Don't run away from me.", I whispered in a gloomy tone, as I could feel Jungkook nod and pull away.

I opened the door and let him in first. We crashed onto the sofa with deep sighs. "Are you capable to go to Jin's party?", I turned to look at Jungkook. "I'm fine Taehyung, don't worry.", He smiled and turned the tv on. We spent most of the day listening to the tv while doing homework on the coffee table.

I might have once in awhile intentionally brushed my arm against Jungkook's arm, just to kinda be playful. That's what brothers do right?

Shortly after we finished with our homework, Miyoung called us for dinner. We sat beside each other in the dinner table, which was unusual as we often sat opposite to each other. As Miyoung and my father kept talking about stuff that didn't really interest Jungkook and I, I decided to be a bit risky...

I don't know what came over me, but this crazy feeling took over my mind and body, and before I could stop my hand was already sliding onto Jungkook's thigh. The younger's breath hitched as he slowly looked towards me. I kept nodding and staring at the adults, whom were oblivious of what was happening under the table. I pretended to be interested in what they were talking about.

Suddenly I felt Jungkook's hand slide into my palm connecting them. I turned to look at the younger with a smile as I rubbed my thumb on the back of his hand. This is what I meant by him being sweet.

The adults finished eating before us and they decided to go out on a date. Little did they know Jungkook and I had plans too.

"Bye boys!", Miyoung chirped happily and closed the front door. "When do you want to leave?", I asked Jungkook as I took my plate to the kitchen sink.

"We can go right now...", He shrugged and waddled beside me with his own plate. I nodded and patiently waited for him to place his plate into the sink before grabbing his hand and pulling him to the corridor.

"You're full of surprises tonight mister Kim.", Jungkook chuckled. I rolled my eyes at his comment and bent down to put his shoes on for him. "Lift your foot.", I smiled below him. Jungkook crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "This is going too far with the babying thing.", He shook his head in disbelief. "Just lift your foot.", I chuckled.

After a few huffs and whines Jungkook let loose and lifted his foot, letting me slide his shoe onto it. He did the same with the other one. I tied his laces and grabbed his hand again. "Let's go.", I chirped excitedly and pulled Jungkook along with me to the car.

We hopped in and I drove towards Jin's house. "You can pick the music.", I chuckled at Jungkook, whom had been staring at the car radio for quite some time now. He hid his smile and turned it on to connect it with his phone.

We arrived at Jin's shortly after and this time I put the car on child lock. The sky was painting itself dark as I turned to Jungkook. The sunset was kissing his flawless skin gently, it gave him a beautiful glow.

"I won't run away.", He whispered after seeing my pouty lips, he decided to continue the moment by putting his hand onto mine, while looking at me with serious and promising, but blissful eyes, that's when I knew I could trust him.

𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 || taekookUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum