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k.th :

We entered the class room and the first person I laid my eyes on was Jungkook. He looked tired and his hair was damp. He was leaning on his hands and stared at the blank blackboard. I wonder what was he thinking about...

"Jungkook?", I tapped him on the shoulder with a smile. "Oh hey, umm. Hi!", He snapped and I noticed he had returned to his awkward state. "Hey.", I chuckled at his silliness.

Jungkook looked backdown with a blush on his cheeks. Why was he so shy around me?

"Tae! I'm going to sit with Chaeyoung, sorry.", Jisoo grinned awkwardly while taking a seat beside Chaeyoung, better known as Rosé.
I nodded and smiled at her reassuringly as I turned to Jungkook. "I guess I'm sitting beside you, if this seat isn't taken.", I stared at Jungkook for reassurance, but all I got was a stare back and slightly parted lips. Why was this a turn on for me?

It took a couple of seconds till Jungkook nodded and I took a seat. The bell rang which meant that class was starting; I wasn't looking forward to this.

"Alright class! Let's get straight into the theory of this chapter and you can start counting A,B,E,J and P after you've understood. They are all on page 125.", The teacher was snappy with their words. The whole class nodded and the teacher started teaching us something about math that I didn't understand one bit.

"And that's how you should get 0,008... any questions?", The teacher looked back at us. The whole class, including me, shook our heads no, although I had a thousand questions about what the hell did he just teach us.

The room around me was now filled with kids trying to do math while I was trying to find the correct page. I glanced at Jungkook to see what the pages number was, but his book was already closed and he was writing something that looked like a complicated language from outer space. "What's that?", I accidentally whispered. "Math.", Jungkook stared at me with an 'are you stupid?' look in his eyes and a smirk. "No, the paper.", I whispered whilst rolling my eyes.

Jungkook looked at his paper, like he needed to double check it's content before answering. "Extra math.", He said in a cold and sad tone, I felt shivers down my spine at his tone. "That's nice...so you're good at this math stuff?", I asked him in hopes that he could help me. "Yeah I guess you could say that.", Jungkook smiled sheepishly, almost as if his cheeks were weak. "Can you help me?", I awkwardly chuckled. Jungkook nodded with a smile that radiated positivity and helped me for the rest of the class, while I was failing miserably, till the bell rang that signaled the student for lunch break.

"Thanks for the help, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.", I bowed to Jungkook. He shook his head and smiled. "No problem, I like helping others so it wasn't an inconvenience.", He smiled widely as he got up. I felt a small warm light glow dimly in my jet black heart when I saw Jungkook's adorable bunny teeth.

After he had packed his stuff Jungkook was determined to get out of the door first. I steered my gaze, that was previously looking at the floor, to look at Jungkook as I had just gotten a good idea.

I ran down the hall to catch up with him. "Jungkook!", I suddenly yelled. He turned around to see me running towards him down the stairs while panting, which made him smile. I finally caught up to ask him something important. "Do you want to eat lunch with me and my friends.", I asked, still panting and having to rest on one step of the long ass stairs.

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