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k.th :

Jimin and I arrived at the lunch room early. All the seats and tables were empty and there was only one student at the lunch line getting something to eat. As most of the seats were empty Jimin and I just decided to sit on the closest, most sanitary looking one.

"Yeah... that's my whole rant.", I sighed once we had sat down, wrapping my rant up into a nice ending. I had complained about so much on the way here I couldn't even remember where I started from. "Seems like you really hate your dad...", Jimin looked at me with sad eyes. "Yeah... I mean... he's not that bad.", I looked up at the blond boy nibbling on a humongous, purple grape and nodding his head a bit, as if he understood.

"Tell me a bit about your family...", I suggested while lacing my fingers together, to engage further into our conversation. Jimin was my new friend, and when I make new friends I often want to know a few things about them, so I always have a conversation starter.

"Well... my mom is somewhere in Europe. I never got to meet my dad... actually I don't think my mother knows who stuck their dick in her. Uhh... I live with my blind grandpa and my grandma is dead...", Jimin blinked a couple of times before looking down at his lunch. I was speechless at first, but my clever mind found a way to turn Jimin's frown upside down.

"Do you want to see a magic trick?", I smiled widely with my boxy smile. Jimin was confused at first, but nodded nonetheless. "Okay see this grape?", I asked him with a serious stare, as I lifted one of the snacks off the his plate. "Yeah...", Jimin started chuckling slightly. "Okay well I'm going to make it disappear in 3...2...1!", I opened my mouth, that was now wide open, and dropped the grape into my cave of a mouth.

I swallowed it, and started choking slightly. I coughed to clear my throat, so that I wouldn't actually die thanks to a dumb grape! Before focusing on a hysterically laughing Jimin.

The blond boy was smacking his hand on the table, I suspected he was guffawing at the way I almost died. "Thanks for laughing at my near death experience!", I gripped my chest, as if I was hurt of the banter, before joining in the snickering too. "Sorry! Sorry! I'm just... you just... karma is a bitch.", Jimin wiped tears out of his eyes, while calming down from his previous episode of laugher. "Well... I think I did deserve to choke after I stole from your plate.", I smirked at my evil, yet genius, master plan.

"Thanks for cheering me up.", Jimin giggled, as he punched me lightly on the shoulder. "What are friends for?", I shrugged and we exchanged soft smiles. "God, Kook's so lucky to have you.", He smiled and took a sip of his drink. "Jungkook?", I got curious, why was Jimin suddenly talking about Jungkook being lucky to have me? Sometimes this mochi of a man made no sense at all.

"Yeah, I mean... you are practically the perfect guy for him.", Jimin rolled his eyes as if it was painfully obvious. "Y-you think he likes me?", I felt a mad blush on my cheeks. "Yeah, OBVIOUSLY! But I find it weird that you two are, you know... related.", Jimin stated a valid opinion, and a fact, as he bit his small loaf of bread. "True... do you think he'll freak the fuck out if I'll confess or something?", I suddenly felt the need to be honest about my feelings to Jungkook. He just makes me so happy, all warm and fuzzy inside.

"I think you should confess, maybe it'll freak him out... OR maybe he'll like the incestuous relationship you two could have.", Jimin shrugged as if this was a normal, average, every day occurrence.

"It's a 50/50 chance Jimin...", I muttered, as I ate my own food, needing some kind of stress relief. "...I can't screw this up.", I sighed, sorrow coating my exhale. "No, no, no! More like 40/60.", Jimin smiled, making his eyes disappear into crescent moon shapes. "60 being...?", I was curious of Jimin's statement and observation. "Rejection.", He chuckle grimly.

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