Chapter 74||Thank you for not giving up on me...

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"You were you and I was I,
We were two before our time.
I was yours before I knew and
you were always mine too."


I heard a knock on my door and didn't think much of it as I assumed it would be my mom who had gone down to get my bouquet but the small sigh I heard definitely didn't belong to her. I turned away from the mirror where I was looking at myself in the white dress I had picked out.

"Hunter" I whispered when I knew I shouldn't have been surprised that he was here, he was the best man after all. It was odd, he had hurt me so much but whenever I looked at him now all I felt was a sense of gratefulness and love.

"You look beautiful, Nikki" he smiled and moved towards me, his eyes focused on the dress.

"Thank you, although it is my wedding day so you're forced to say that." I rolled my eyes and reached for my veil but held it so I could keep my fingers busy. "What are you doing here? I thought you guys would be out in the vineyard already?"

"Uhm no. I just came from the airport, had a meeting back in Stanford but figured I'd make a quick stop here." He shrugged.

"I would have preferred it if you had gone straight down there, I'm sure Randy is wondering where you are. You're the best man..." I reasoned as while I was happy to see him since the last time I had it was when he broke the news of my pregnancy. And that was just all a blur of emotions that I hadn't processed then yet.

"A best man is there to ensure the groom doesn't get cold feet and we both know there is no way in hell that snake would let you go" He smirked and while I didn't want to be overly confident I knew he was right.

I hadn't seen Randy since the night before when we had gone out to dinner with our families. It had been hard to leave him but the excitement of today made it sting less.

"Stranger things have happened" I simply shrugged, avoiding his eyes as I wasn't sure what I would see in them.

He cleared his throat and glanced around the room before moving closer towards me, "He wouldn't be as stupid as me. I do love you so much and I always will, you are an incredible woman and maybe if things were different."

I smiled a bit and stared into his eyes, not wanting him to dwell on the could have beens cause I had done it for so long and it didn't do me any good, "But they're not. If I was honest with myself I was never more happy and destroyed in my time with you. Worse than Nick because I was even more naïve and reckless. I'll always love you Hunter but we're not meant to be. Sounds cheesy but its true, I'm in love with Randy."

"I know." He took the veil from my hands and moved behind me and he set it on for me before moving in front of me.

"For a long time I was concerned about Randy. Even when he was married to Sammy, he wasn't happy for a long time but he felt obligated you know? He had a kid and she had always been with him, its scary letting go of the security of a home"

The Fearless Prey //NIKKI BELLA | THE AUTHORITY [ COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now