Chapter 15|| I want this for as long as you want me...

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"I refuse.
I refuse to let those feelings
wrap me in their dirty hands
because I know they are

-Fleura-belle ( via wnq-writers)


I stood staring at the crowd watching as they had several mixed reactions but the crowd could not be more conflicted than I was

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I stood staring at the crowd watching as they had several mixed reactions but the crowd could not be more conflicted than I was.

"My sister did not deserve to be here so you can all be mad because she was fired or you can accept that I belong here and she does not. Two weeks ago, my sister disrespected Stephanie McMahon and as far as I am concerned she got what she deserved. Since there is only one true Bella and she is standing right here, I would just like to clarify that I am not part of The Authority. Stephanie may have granted me a spot in the Diva's Championship match at Night of Champions but that is because she realized the potential I have. She saw how I was being overlooked as Brie decided to make her way to the top by screwing over our boss. But no, I didn't have to do any of that because I have something Brie does not and that is a true love for this business. I hope once I become champion at Night of Champions that everyone who is doubting me, whether it be in the back or among all of you, will know that I am the best. And the number one Bella! " I dropped the mic and walked down the ring holding my glare but as soon as I closed the curtain I stopped.

I walked backstage and sighed as I stepped down from the gorilla. Taking a breath before I had to go back and walk past several people.

I smiled as I saw Randy warming up and knew I could possibly sneak past him knowing how lost he got in it. But walked over to the chair and took a seat in front of him, crossing my legs which caused him to glance up.

Once he saw it was me he smirked before slowly licking his lips as his eyes trailed up my legs before settling on me

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Once he saw it was me he smirked before slowly licking his lips as his eyes trailed up my legs before settling on me.

I wasn't sure why he wasn't with John hating my guts like the rest of the locker room currently did. They had hardly interacted with Brie and yet they all turned their backs on me. I hadn't known Stephanie's plans and it killed me seeing Brie banished but she was the boss, everyone knew that.

The Fearless Prey //NIKKI BELLA | THE AUTHORITY [ COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now