Chapter 29|| What would you do without your Predator?

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"He treats her like a cigarette.
He lights the flame in her,
watches her burn,
and ignores the ashes that fall.
Every time he let's out some steam,
her flame starts to lose its light..."
-Via jwfeelings


"It was funny" She giggled and I frowned.

"What was?"

"When you hurt Uncle Hunter" She giggled again while I wasn't even sure where that move had come from. Maybe him protecting his wife after she slapped me, which was silly considering that's what he was meant to do.

"I'm sure he wouldn't like knowing you found it funny, Ally.." I smiled briefly before finally sitting down as I had been busy organizing my things because for once I had my own locker room.

I wasn't exactly sure whether it was a perk or a source of punishment to make sure I was on my own. Brie was here tonight so having my own locker room was even more weird but I suppose after my last encounter with my sister perhaps distance was best. I wasn't sure where she had been last week either but John's absence led me to believe it was most likely a Cena household thing.

"But he was being mean" She frowned while I doubt she could comprehend exactly what his words meant. Although I got the message loud and clear, I was going to pay for choosing to end things.

Its funny how I was always available because he didn't want to have the power all the time and now I could see that power being used to hurt me. Apart of me, the part that loved Hunter liked to believe he was given a script by Stephanie but the words he spoke were too personal. For me at least because I read between the lines, whether he was referring to Brie who no longer loved the woman I was or my love that faded for him. But the better part of me knew, knew I was getting what I wanted, to not be treated differently...

"He was but you know its acting, Ally.." I playfully narrowed my eyes at the daughter of the man I had been avoiding. So how did I land up currently facetiming her?

That was due to me finally deciding to grow a pair the size of my implants and face Randy, but as I called, her bright smile lit up the screen letting me know her dad had gone to workout. So I simply took that as a sign that maybe my distance from Randy should have been kept, it should have been simple but yet I felt lost without him.

I had the feeling ever since I left the hospital but blamed it on the guilt of Hunter being revealed as the man who I loved. But now that I had ended things it was odd, I hoped saying goodbye to Hunter would uplift me. I even had a sense of my old self last week until I was faced with them and I felt it. Weakness...

And they saw it, how couldn't I be strong when I had given up something I foolishly believed would last forever? Unless that wasn't the hardest thing I had to do, the hardest thing seemed to be rejecting Randy's calls. Explaining to Colby why, why I believed I didn't deserve him when the cycle was evident. I put Hunter on a pedestal, the same pedestal Randy put me on. Yet Hunter and I were alike so neither of us belonged there...

The Fearless Prey //NIKKI BELLA | THE AUTHORITY [ COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now