Chapter 24|| We both know I don't deserve him...

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"Is it me?
Am I the reason people always leave?
Maybe I'm just destined to be alone."

-Lexi Grey, Grey's Anatomy


"I feel like this Queen B persona is getting the better of you

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"I feel like this Queen B persona is getting the better of you." Brie rolled her eyes and I giggled as we had just finished a segment where I of course was the boss of her and I liked how I was given a more heel approach now.

My fearless brand had initially been to stand up against Authority but now it was more as a way to back up the faith they had in me. I was simply glad it was back to being Brie and I against the world, I loved fighting her but the segments were too real and even thinking about it now was too much for me. It was why I didn't even want to question Brie about the things she called me or said. It was best just to bury it all...

"I've always known I was the boss in this twinship so why not show the world?" I shrugged with a small smile which caused her to scrunch up her face in the usual are you kidding me way but I simply shook my head and stared ahead.

I saw the sign on the door displaying John Cena which I was sharing with tonight, well on the nights there weren't enough rooms and since it was Brie's husband they made them share. I would have gone to female talent but I honestly wasn't sure who really wanted to be my friend at this point. Eva, I hadn't spoken to since she joined in on the attack weeks before and while I had fought against her since she always disappeared. It seemed everyone close to me slowly made their way out of my life.

It had been a week.

A week since all hell broke lose.

A week since I stood crying with Hunter holding me, showing the most affectionate he had in quite a long time or even at all in the last two years. The most expressive, he had become more vocal on his feelings in the last few months. So had I and its what I wanted all along, more effort on his part but when it came.

The words, the three words I couldn't believe whether it was sheer desperation for losing control of yet another person in his life or that he did.

That he actually loved me.

I wanted to be loved so badly but he was right, I was manipulative and ruthless.

I manipulated him each time with my body, his eyes would always roam and I knew just what to wear to get his attention. I wasn't sure where Nikki Bella the vixen began and Nicole Garcia the woman who wore her heart on her sleeve ended. I displayed the bitch out there and pushed everyone back here away without any intention to but maybe everyone just needed a perfect excuse to get away from me.

"You okay?" I heard Brie as she pushed open the door and I nodded with a reassuring smile.

I could never speak to Brie about Hunter and this time it wasn't because I didn't feel like being judged. I just knew if I spoke about it my emotions would get the better of me because I wasn't sure how to feel about officially taking a break.

The Fearless Prey //NIKKI BELLA | THE AUTHORITY [ COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now