Chapter 72|| He just wants to make sure I get my fairytale...

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"Feel, wholeheartedly,
with every part of you"
-Harpreet M Dayal


"You know you like to point out how different we are but here we are looking at a backyard wedding" Brie spoke, and I rolled my eyes.

"There is a major difference between my venue and yours. Yours was in the backyard of a lodge, mine is on a vineyard." I pointed out which led to her rolling eyes too before both of us laughed and continued listening as they explained to us how everything would be laid out for my special day.

We were in Napa Valley, a place which had always been like a second home to Brie and I and it would be the place where I would be becoming Mrs Orton. I decided to just take his last name instead of trying to decide between my last names or having an extremely long one. He had been delighted with that idea of course because it meant I was fully his and he had his possessive tendencies. I guess he should be lucky they turned me on more than off.

"Do you know when you want to reveal your pregnancy to the world?" Brie questioned as we were left alone. We had decided to take a tour while my mom, Nana and Lola went for lunch.

With Johnny knowing about my pregnancy, due to work, there was no way I could hold out on telling my mom. So we had delivered the news to everyone while heading to the airport on John's tour bus. Alanna was asleep during the announcement of course, which I was grateful for. She had missed the whole ordeal with Randy being hurt and I was so happy cause I hadn't wanted her to witness something like that even if she grew up watching her dad fight.

"With the wedding coming up, the world doesn't need to know just yet. They don't know that I was planning to get married this year so they could so easily twist things. As for anyone else besides you guys I wanted to first tell Alanna which I'm not sure when that will be" I explained as I didn't need any negativity from the public towards my life.

I could deal with the jealousy from Randy's fans who thought he could do better but when it came to my pregnancy I doubt I would be able to so I didn't want to have the world know that yet. I was only 6weeks along and definitely not showing at all so I had time.

"I thought you told her before she went home after Summerslam weekend" She sipped on the complimentary champagne while I just opted for juice of course.

I shook my head, "I mean I didn't doubt that the WWE doctors were right but I just wanted to be certain before telling her, you know?"

"Are you nervous?"

Was I? She was Randy's only child so it would be a huge change for her but she was a sweet little girl. Randy always hinted that she wanted a little brother or sister so I was sure she would be happy. She loved Aria and Viv so she would be good with our little Viper.

The Fearless Prey //NIKKI BELLA | THE AUTHORITY [ COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now