Chapter 60||What the hell is wrong with you?

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"Missing you comes in waves
and tonight I'm drowning"



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Its currently what I was in because I had yet again acted rather rash when it came to Randy. I hadn't been on the show for the past month so I had decided to stay at my mom's condo with her and Johnny. I didn't want to invade the space of Brie and her family and since the ppv was in Phoenix I figured it would be more convenient instead of being forced in a seat for hours before my match. I had spent sometime in Vegas mostly to get the party out of my system but of course I hadn't left without making a few reckless decisions...

Another reason I was currently in hell? I was being prepared for what could possibly be my last match. There was no way I could win back my title, it was more to clean the slate. Hunter had flown me to see a specialist last week to figure out what was going on and I was basically warned against wrestling. Hearing someone tell me something I suspected hurt more than it probably should have. I had kept my conversation with Hunter strictly injury related in the time we saw each other and he hadn't initiated anything more. Even with the uncertainty I was waiting to eventually speak to Randy about it when I was less easily influenced by my emotions.
So that's why I was looking forward to seeing him tonight, I mean it was Hell in a Cell so I figured if I went through some hell it would be fitting. I was mostly rooting for us discussing all our issues, feelings and getting to a point I thought we reached a long time ago.

"That makeup looks so good!" Trin smiled as soon as she walked into the room, interrupting my thoughts and I winked at her before facing towards our beautiful make-up lady.

"How you feeling about tonight?" Charlotte questioned as she was having her hair done. I was getting my rematch against her tonight and we both knew the outcome.

"I'm feeling hopeful. Its my last go at the title but I'm at peace and fulfilled in my career for the moment." I was being honest, I was satisfied with how things were. People definitely knew who Nikki Bella was after my long reign and I hoped my name would stay on their lips long enough for them to care when I returned.

"Positive mindset is always the way to go, my friend. And plus you have Randy to spend some time with while you heal." Renee winked before she sat down in a chair as well. Rumours had obviously begun about a possible injury and so telling my girls seemed best especially since I vaguely told my family.

"Well he'll be on the road quite a bit." I mumbled as he would and also I didn't really want to bring him up right now when we were still butting heads.

"True but you also get to spend time with Aria and a well deserved break." Trin smiled having heard me.

I nodded as it had been so long since I could be at home without feeling anxious about a upcoming match or anything work related. It would be a huge adjustment especially since I wasn't sure where home would be if I was honest...

The Fearless Prey //NIKKI BELLA | THE AUTHORITY [ COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now