Chapter 31|| One predator loved by you is enough...

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"I will love you more on days
when you can't seem to love yourself.
And I will not love you any less on days
when you are full of yourself"


Survivor Series 2014

"So you're really going to remain nonchalant about it?"

"What is there to say?" I sighed as I stared over at the pale best friend who had forced her way into sharing with Brie, AJ and I. The other two who had yet to arrive.

"That you are dating The Predator Randy Orton and you're going to have little Fearless Vipers running around." She smiled brightly before hopping beside me as I shook my head.

"You want me knocked up so you can be back in line for the championship? I don't think so" I sighed and stood up packing all the things I wouldn't be needing back into my suitcase.

"So you are dating Randy?" She mused due to me not denying that part I guess.

"No I am not, Saraya!" I shouted across the room because she hadn't been going easy on me where Randy was concerned and him playing my knight in shining armour didn't help with anything.

"Urgh do not go all mother mode on me. Its Paige to you and if you're not dating Randy then who is the guy who has your heart?"

I frowned but recalled my rambling in the club while she had been there. She hadn't brought that night up since but she was a smart Brit and certainly knew something was up considering I was more distant from Brie lately, even her.

I took a deep breath before staring into her expecting brown eyes, "there is no guy. He doesn't exist anymore..."

"So that means Ra..."

"No" I giggled, "What is it with you and setting me up with Randy?"

"I'm all the way here in the States; away from my little nieces and nephews. Alanna is attached to you, so if you get some babies in you I can be Aunty P and get some adorableness in my life!" She smiled cheerily while I rolled my eyes.

"Who said I even planned on having kids?"

"Nooooo? Nicole Garcia who has stated that she wants a house in a gated community, a husband who loves her as much as she loves him and two kids, maybe three to complete the family.." I shoved her and shook my head.

"I've wanted so many things before and life has made me realize I don't get to have them the way I want it. Take this feud for example, AJ is the top in the division and one of the most skilled. I have improved over the last couple years but she's smaller and has a greater skill set. I was excited to feud with her over the last couple weeks but I was denied that and now I'm losing. Stephanie's right, all I'm known for is a one week reign why should I hope for more?"

The Fearless Prey //NIKKI BELLA | THE AUTHORITY [ COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now