"That was the point", I laughed tugging the shirt over my head. "Let's go meet your parents". I nudged Claire through the door. We found her parents in kitchen wandering around like they had never seen household appliances before. I sat down at the kitchen island observing. As much as I wanted to control the situation I would have to take a beat and follow Claire's lead. Whenever her parents had to say, it could be no worse than what we went through with my parents.

"When did you redo the kitchen?" Mrs. Greene asked running her hand along the stainless steel six-burner stove.

"And the patio. Jordan finally got around to it", Mr. Greene said peeking through the glass door to the back yard.

"Tristan, did that", Claire announced coming to stand by my side. " He finished the basement too".

"You've made yourself quite comfortable. What are you trying to move in", Mr. Greene said.

I smiled wrapping an arm around Claire's waist," No. I have my own place in Hudson".

"It's beautiful. Tristan's apartment is like something out of a magazine", Claire added. It was a small lie but a good starting point.

"And how do you afford this beautiful apartment?" Mrs. Greene pushed.

"I'm a Forensic Investigator for the Hudson PD", I answered not wanting to did anymore information out about myself.

"AND", Claire smiled nudging me for more information.

"And I've just inherited Greyson Oil. Well, we've inherited", I corrected.

"What?" Claire said croaked. "What do you mean we?"

"You own ten percent of Greyson Oil. Legally I have already signed them away to you. You just have to come to Dallas and sign them", Claire stared at me bug-eyed at a loss for words. "In your maiden name of course. No matter what happens between us they're yours".

"I can't accept that it has to be worth millions of dollars. And I don't know anything about owning shares of company".

"Billions, with a "B" and you don't need to know anything about the stocks other than they are valuable. And if you decide to sell your stocks you know they are worth billions", I explained.

"That's...very generous of you", Mrs. Greene said.

"Claire doesn't need your money she's perfectly capable of earning her own", Mr. Greene scowled. It took every ounce of my willpower not to roll my eyes. Mr. Green was a proud man and didn't believe in handouts. I knew that in high school. Claire had to do a work-study to help pay for her tuition which was fine but she still couldn't afford $14,000 a year. If I hadn't convinced my mother I wanted to do an outreach program for my community service. I don't think she would have been able to attend. I know she wouldn't have been able to go to prom if I didn't pay for the senior Court tickets. Another aspect of my community service and good PR for the Grayson name. Unfortunately Nina got the praise for that. All she did was except my money but as senior class president all of the went to her. It didn't matter in the end Claire had a wonderful time and she was with me now. I just had to get rid of her parents in the meantime.

"It's not a handout. If Claire wants to make the most of her shares then she would have to do the research and find a lawyer that can make the most of it. I'm merely opening a door. Claire decides if she wants to go through or not".

"Thank you", Claire bleamed kiss my cheek

"How did you two meet anyway?" Mr. Greene continued," I don't think I've ever remembered Claire mentioning you".

"Daddy...I'm sure I've bought up Tristan before. We've gone to school together since the third grade. We even went to Baylor together", Claire interjected.

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