Unfortunate Unforeseen Sequence of Events

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Chapter 3

"So is this a sex thing like you can only get off when you're killing people? Or is this some kind of deep seeded fucked-up mommy issue thing?"

"Eat your food, before it gets cold", Tristan said focus on eating the omelet in front of him.

I look down at my plate and my appetite was nowhere to be found. For all I knew, he could easily be eating the bodies he just kills. Just because he has a gorgeous modern apartment with a killer view. Pun intended, doesn't mean I just trust him all the sudden. "Is it a way for you to feel alive? Some kind of backwards justice to get back at the system that you work for?"

"No, now eat", he said pouring me a glass of water.

"I mean do you have some kind of code like Batman where you only go after bad guys except you take it to the next level and actually kill them?"

He dropped his fork and just stared blankly at me,"Yes, I'm a real life Batman".

"Okay, I don't appreciate the sass. I mean I'm not wrong here for trying to understand what the fuck is going on in your mind. I'm not the one running around killing people like I'm trying to decide where I'm going to have dinner at", I said leaning forward. "I mean really if Ted Bundy was sitting across from me casually having breakfast you don't think there be a few questions that would pop up?"

"I think you went to high for an extreme. I've never robbed, raped or had relations with a corpse", He said.

"No you just murder people!"

"Would you rather your a pedophile of a boyfriend continue sexually abusing a child or..."

Ding Dong

We both turned to the door,"Greyson! Get up you lazy son of a bitch! We got work to do!"

"You have friends?" I said shocked.

He rolled his eyes and quickly stood up taking my plate and glass away,"Look you can't be here", he threw away my food and put my dish and glass into the dishwasher. Then he quickly grabbed my arm and rush me back into the bedroom,"Stay here and be quiet".

"Why? Ashamed of me?"

"No, you're supposed to be in Florida. So stay quiet", he slammed the door in my face.

Not wasting any time I pressed my ear against the door trying to hear everything that was being said outside.

No luck.

What was this door soundproof?

That's not a good sign.

I started to pace in front of the door like a caged animal unusually slowly, almost robotically, as if my brain was struggling to tell each foot to take the next step. It was as if I was in a stupor; like someone under hypnosis in one of those Scooby-Doo cartoons.

A few minutes later Tristan came back,"Who is that?"

Your next victim?

"My boss", he said going into his closet and pulling a pair of tennis shoes. Tristan went to sit on the edge of his bed and put on his shoes,"And before you ask no he doesn't know and no I'm not going to kill him". He got his tennis shoes on and started to head to the door before turning back to say," I have to go to work, but when I get back tonight; I'll take you back to your house. Unless you plan on walking for a couple of days back to your house".

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