Every Night

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Chapter 51


After weeks of wanting to give up, died, pushing myself to the absolute limit with a physical therapist and a pathologist I had the mobility of a four year old child. The doctors and nurses were all hopeful. I was a realist. And a glutton for pain. If I didn't get better soon I knew there would be a high chance of me never recovering. And there was an even higher chance Claire would eventually get bored of my crippled ass and leave.

Knock knock

I opened my computer in my lap and sat up. I typed in Google Translate,"Come in". I knew Claire hated the fact I stopped talking altogether to her and only used some form of text-to-speech to communicate. Yes, she had patience but I didn't want to use it all up trying to get one sentence out. It was a quicker way for us to talk until my mouth stopped its stuttering nonsense.

Claire open the door in her red silk nightgown and threw herself onto our bed.

I guess I spent the whole day brooding if it was night.

I wanted Claire to sleep in her own room. But, that was a hard no. The whole point of this island was to get Claire to be comfortable with me that's why I had her room specially made with all the comforts she liked. She liked it well enough to bring me back to Greece to heal. "How was therapy?"

I typed,"It all comes back to deeply flawed psychological problems in my childhood. Some would say I hate my mother".

Claire laughed. I like that she was starting to understand the little sense of humor I had. Claire crawled under the covers with me resting her head on my shoulder with a yawn. She should be tired Claire did everything for me from cooking and cleaning to scheduling daily doctors appointments and making sure they were top-tier. She made sure she make time for me not just for fucking but for quiet moments where we just could sit together. "That's a under statement". We sat in silence for a few moments before Claire spoke,"So, I have to ask", she said shutting my laptop down.

I turned to look at her worried face,"Y-yes?"

"What are you going to do once you're better?" I knew this question was going to come up with sooner or later. Hell we had to have a couple hard conversations that I couldn't dodge forever.

I wanted to lie and tell her nothing. I wanted her to believe that I would just go back to work and forget about everything that had happened. I wanted her to think I could forgive. But, Claire deserves the truth. Everyone else in my life doesn't get that. But, I had to be truthful with Claire even if that meant losing her,"K-k-ill".

"Good", she nodded. "I would start with Vicki".

I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I heard Claire's answer,"I pl-lan-n to".

"I don't know if you know this but did you know you could hire assassin's off of the dark web? I may have borrowed your computer a couple of times just to see if there were any option".


I liked that.

"Y-y-you have to be c-c-c-a-areful on the dark web. M-m-m-y comp-p-puter is pretty well-built fr-r-rom VPN's, scramblers and enough security t-t-t-o-o make the Pent-t-tagon blush. If I'm going to do something I'm goi-i-nng to do it myself".

"And your parents?" She asked.

"I-I have somethin-n-ng special planned for them".

"Good", she smirked.

Whether Claire knew or accepting it I was going to marry her. She was going to be the mother of my children just as soon as she got that birth control tube out of her arm. And for the rest of my life I would make sure she was treated the way she deserve to be. I put my computer on the nightstand and turned off the lamp plunging us into darkness. I wrap my arms around Claire so she was spooned against me.

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